I say a Facebook game just to piss everybody off. ::x:
that would be funny as hell. but wonder if they will put out a brewmaster class with this xpac or at least panda npc's
You fought Ragnaros, the Burning Legion, countless ancient troll tribes, Titans and even the Elements themselves. Now be prepared to face your greatest challenge yet... giant fluffy pandas. Yeah, I'll pass.
I remember Blizzard saying that Pandarens would never be a major part of WoW. I expect this is a spinoff of some sort. Facebook game sounds about right.
if you look at the patent numbers listed inside of it, you see that it corresponds with other world of warcraft related patents. blizzard has said a lot of things and went back on almost every word they had said before... that includes retconing there own lore so that something make senses, look into the broken if you give two shits. "spaceships crashing into the planet" and such.