Star Wars:TOR ApplicationHow old are you? 32 In-Game Name? Tres Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your primary class? (Sith Only) Sith Inquisitor Previous Gaming Experience: World of Warcraft - played from BC to Cataclysm. Most raiding experience was done at level 80, having cleared Lich King hardmodes as both a disc priest and muti rogue. When Cata was released I got server first 85 rogue, but after a few months of the expansion the guild I was in for a long time decided to move servers and I felt it was a good time to leave the game or take an extended break. Of note I was the "Melee DPS Lead" for PvE raiding. I chose not to be an officer but gladly accepted to lead the melee DPS during raids. Unfortunately I did not have a lot of time to PvP. The guild I was in was a hardcore PvE raiding guild and I raided 6-7 nights a week on multiple characters. When I stopped playing WoW I started playing Rift as something to do in my free time. As in WoW I ended up raiding end-game content on my healer (Cleric) and my melee DPS/support (Rogue). The guild I was in seemed to be a magnet for drama (but from my understanding, all end-game content guilds in Rift experienced similar drama). Drama and all I stuck with the guild and we have cleared all of the current content and done some PvP events. Rift has potential, but needs a lot of TLC from Trion. My first MMO was LoTRO and I played Aion casually with some friends. Why did you choose XoO: I have applied and been accepted to the Tera Division. I want to remain part of the same community while playing SW:TOR. I am very active in-game and on forums. I am also very loyal, once I am a member of a guild I am a member of that guild! No guild hopping from me. Why do you think you'll be a good fit? I research my classes and roles and will know them thoroughly. I am also a natural at helping others, and I have a calm demeanor which is why I normally end up as a class leader or assisting in raids. I have officer experience (as administrator, banking officer, etc). As mentioned above, I do max out my professions and create alts filling whatever role is necessary to get the job done (except tanking...). And when there is a call for action, I will be one of the first to arrive! What will you contribute to the guild? I research my classes and roles and will know them thoroughly. I am also a natural at helping others, and I have a calm demeanor which is why I normally end up as a class leader or assisting in raids. I have officer experience (as administrator, banking officer, etc). As mentioned above, I do max out my professions and create alts filling whatever role is necessary to get the job done (except tanking...). Localization: NA Do you have a referral? No A little bit about yourself? I co-own a marine electronics business with my ex-husband. I have no kids other then my two dogs. I go to gym 4-5 times a week. I go to the beach a lot (I live in Florida). I also am addicted to gaming (which is why I am still and prefer to remain single LOL). I play while at work during normal business hours as well as on weekends mostly in evenings, and evenings during the week. Did I mention I am addicted to gaming? Activity level? 45-55 Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer? Yes Have you applied to the SW:TOR usergroup? Yes
when will you be able to hope in TS for a interview? and the only reason this is because you are still a xoobie and new to the guild ?
Mebard, just sent you a PM on forums but thought I would post here as well just in case. My bro's family just dropped in and we are going to go out for dinner. Didn't want you to think I ditched ya!
Mebard, I sent you a message regarding my sudden ninja-afk. Hope you can reconsider now that I am back at home