So my Dad's laptop no longer boots. Won't turn on, tried different power connectors, haven't tried a different battery yet, but with the battery out it still won't turn on. Would this work: Mom's Laptop Usb2Usb cable Boot Mom's laptop from USB settings in boot settings Copy Information to External USB Drive Would that work? Or would there be an easier way to do it? I am in a different state from them so I can't do it myself. So it would need to be easy enough for 2 people in their late 50s to be able to do this with somewhat basic knowledge of computers. The local repair place wants to charge them 200 bucks to diagnose it and then if they can't get it fixed, will just buy it from them for 100 bucks and then sell them a new one and get the old info off for them. Of course at a charge. Haha.. anyways.. suggestions would be appreciated.
If the laptop is easy enough to take apart and get at the hard drive then you can do that, stick the HDD in your computer, and copy info off of it that way. Some laptops have an easy access port on the bottom where you can get at the hard drive, dont know if yours does or not. Might need to take the entire thing apart to get at it. Im assuming voiding warranty doesnt matter for this because if you had a warranty still you would be using it?
Standard guess is motherboard or power supply, both of which are not exactly interchangeable for a laptop. Could just be the power button, though.
Would the way I mentioned work? Like get a usb to usb cable and plug the two laptops together and then use the good laptop to boot from usb? Would that work?
Not if you can't get it to power on no. If you cant even get it to the bios then it means it not getting any power at all. So either the MB,CPU or the wiring between the power and the MB are shot. Chances are It's the MB or the CPU in either case your going to have to pull the hard drive and see if you can recover the data with another comp.
The USB connection requires power and some of the laptop's functions active for it to connect properly. You'll have to pull your hard drive from the laptop that won't start and wire it to a working laptop in order to get the information from it (as per Enigma's notes).
I'd suggest since I didn't see any info on it, I'd first suggest disconnecting it from power, taking the battery out and holding down the power button for about 5 mins then trying to turn it on, just in case. Other then that, Engima's recommendation is what I would do. lol. He always gets to it before me. <.<
I meant like booting from a cd or usb drive etc... like connect the two together and do that, but I completely forgot that it would need power... Probably need to pull the HD like you said.
Same rail voltage and all that type of deal as a desktop, but yes they are build in and not really replaceable. *Rune got to it before me*
I've never heard of a laptop being able to emulate itself as a legacy USB device. Either way, you're not getting power to one of the laptops, so it won't work. Take the HDD out of the dead laptop. Place it in a HDD enclosure kit Connect it to any other computer to extract its data.