Come June 22nd people who have been with us for 3 years+ will reiceve a nice new title that says 'Veteran' rather than 'Member'. Many of you have been here for MUChH longer (9+ years now), but since the forums were previously lost we decided to start fresh on this concept as it is handed out automatically. Only those who are 'XoO Members' will be upgraded so if you are inactive, etc then sorry about your luck! Permissions will be the same as XoO Members for now, but with the new forums I intend for there to be a few small perks that are still in the works! Thank you dedicated XoO Members!
now what about people who are officer / co / xo / leaders ... we all have different already ? maybe make the X logo orange inside of the logo or something i dunno
Interesting, no idea how long it's been but I assume you guys can keep track of all this [EDIT] Wow 3 years already, time sure flies by.
What do you mean by inactive? Like say I went afk from posting or logging in for 3 months, does my time start over or does it just not count the 3 months in the total 3 year time? Is it something else?
We have a few usergroups. Member, which is for people who have been with us for 30 days and have passed the 30 day trial. After that there is the XoO Member usergroup which is gained by staying an active member for 1.5 years. This is for members who have been with us for a while, but are not in a usergroup and allows them to view our members area even if they are not in a usergroup. Veteran usergroup is similar to XoO Member, but it comes with a new Veteran tag and some new spiffy permissions (on the new forums). When you are inactive you are removed from the usergroup you are in (with a few exceptions - Admin, Founder and Veteran) and placed into the inactive usergroup. When you return you are placed back into the Member usergroup and have to work your way back up again. So only people who have been with us for 3+ years straight will, from now on, receive the Veteran tag. Now to answer your question if you went AFK before we implemented the Inactivity system then your fine, otherwise you are back at square one.
Hmm, 3 years since the forums went down... interesting. Not sure if it seems like its been longer or shorter. I think I'll stick with my current rank though....
I know a lot of us don't/won't have this problem, but does activity include logging in as well posting? Simply, does a user just have to log in every once and a while to be considered active or does said user have to post on the forums every so often. Also, what's the cutoff for a user becoming active? Is it 30 days, 90 days, 6 months, etc.? Thanks Keej. :bashful: Cool implementation, its good to recognize those XoO have been around and keep this community going for so long.
actually a user doesn't have to login or post every day. Simply be active. I think the timeframe is if you don't visit the forums for a month or two months or something then you are moved to inactive.
If a user does not log in or post - how are they active? You just mean within a division I'm assuming.