The Guild Wars division has been quiet for some time now, but don't write it off just yet! We have a small, active, close-knit playerbase that bands together to take on some of the toughest content in the game. Here are some things we've done recently: Urgoz's Warren Deep in the heart of the Echovald Forest lies Urgoz, a mighty forest spirit whose hatred of humans was flamed by the petrification of his forest home. This is an elite mission that has hordes of powerful enemies and crippling environmental effects. Tomb of the Primeval Kings The forces of chaos have corrupted the Tomb of the Primeval kings, the entryway into the Hall of Heroes (the afterlife for heroic humans). Adventurers seeking to clear it have to contend with legions of powerful enemies who have special abilities that counter every class. Eternal Grove Hard Mode Masters The most difficult mission in Guild Wars Factions, both to complete and to get the master's reward in. You must split your party to protect both entrances to the Eternal Grove, which houses three Forever Trees. Each tree is kept alive by four tree singers. Each half party must contend with a full party's load of enemies; if they should fail and even one tree singer killed (it really doesn't take much) master's reward goes out the window. Fissure of Woe This is an eternal battleground between the forces of Balthazar, god of war and his half-brother Menzies, lord of destruction. Adventurers reverse recent gains by Menzies, recapturing two towers and the temple of war. They can expect to fight some of the most powerful monsters in Guild Wars: Prophecies, including Abyssals, Dragon Liches, and even Ancient Skales, who break the rules by having two elite skills instead of the normal limit of one. Frostmaw's Burrows Unfortunates who venture into this hellhole can expect to be held helpless by AoE chain knockdowns, heavy area damage and spirits that prevent resurrection. And, if they manage to get through that, they face Frostmaw the Kinslayer, a wurm of legendary proportions. Villainy of Galrath One of the most common misconceptions about Guild Wars is that the developers are done with it. Although there won't be another expansion released, new features and new content is being released all the time... for free! A recent update brought a new hard mode version of a classic quest - the Villainy of Galrath, which introduced the first monster ever to reach level 40. XoO members took on this challenge the very first day, without the aid or advice of any Wiki, and completed it on our first try while others were busy complaining to the devs about how difficult it was. If you're interested in joining us, all three campaigns can be purchased together for the price of a single game (and Eye of the North for just a little more). You won't ever have to pay any subscription fees. Although there are microtransactions, these are always strictly cosmetic and purely optional.
I like how I'm the only one in Frostmaw's Burrow who isn't standing with everyone else. ...too busy rooting through the treasure chest