This week, the XoO Aion NA division worked together with Zikel's #3 ranked legion, PimpS, as part of the new Zikel Elyos League. On Saturday evening, a league of 3 alliances led by XoO and PimpS captured our first Inggison fort together - Altar of Avarice! With great teamwork, we were able to out-damage the boss and claim victory in the name of the Elyos. Early in the week, we teamed together on taking down Omega and Ragnarok! This week was a great demonstration of what the Elyos of Zikel can accomplish when we communicate, plan, and encourage each other. Expect more news from the Zikel Elyos League in the future!
You forgot the important part where I glided into Omega and ran with him chasing me all over screaming for people to come get it off me.