Other (not listed) Elhaym's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Elhaym, Feb 25, 2011.

  1. Elhaym

    Feb 25, 2011
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    Other Games Application
    How old are you?
    What game are you applying for?
    WoW EU (Saurfang)
    In-Game Name?
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?
    Previous Gaming Experience:
    I have been playing World of Warcraft since launch. From vanilla up to and including TBC it was casual style. In WotLK I decided to join a full time raiding guild and completed all raids on normal difficulty when they were considered *top tier* content. In ICC I did 7/12 HC in 10 man version of the raid.

    As for characters, I had all 10 classes leveled to 80 with at least 11/12 ICC normal mode on each of them. Thus, pretty much all character specific game mechanics are known to me (though many things have changed in Cata).
    Why did you choose XoO:
    I will need to explain in some detail.

    First, I decided to reroll in Cata with serious raiding in mind due to the fact that I have the time for it while writing my PhD dissertation on international law.

    Second, I chose one of the lowest progression PvE realms (Saurfang), taking wowprogress.com info into consideration.

    Third, I checked the guild situation on Saurfang. And currently it is rather grim, in my opinion. The problem is that most top-notch players and guilds left the realm before Cataclysm struck. This left the realm with rather poor playerbase in general and semi-decent guilds at most. Moreover, many of the current top English speaking alliance guilds are run by mediocre and ill-mannered people, whom I do know personally. Leveling and non-english speaking guilds have been ruled out for obvious reasons.

    XoO is pretty new to Saurfang, but the information I received from Aelin in-game and the quality of the XoO community in general has given me faith that the guild is capable of becoming the top alliance guild on realm. And I would like to lend my skills to reaching this goal.
    Why do you think you'll be a good fit?
    First and foremost, I consider myself a mature and sensible person and also a team player. I consider this important, as even the greatest player with plain bad attitude or unjustified ego will not contribute anything to the guild, however good he/she may be. I pay much attention to the community, not only the game itself: I believe that WoW is just a game whereas the personalities are what matters most.

    Second, I love to push myself to the limit and do all the necessary theorycrafting to maximize personal output. Elitistjerks and tankspot are my current favourite sources of relevant information.

    Third, I do have a real life and am pretty patient when it comes to mistakes made by others. Once again, WoW is just a game by the end of the day.
    What will you contribute to the guild?
    Apart from my skills as a player, I am a fully qualified lawyer admitted to practice in my country of residence. Thus, should the need arise, I may provide legal advice on relevant matters.
    Do you have a referral?
    A little bit about yourself?
    I tend to be pretty strict to myself while remaining forgiving to others. In the end, we all play for our own reasons. Nevertheless, I do expect a certain degree of maturity and honesty from guild members, as you cannot push forward without them as a team.

    I am by no means a *drama queen*, however I always note inappropriate behaviour when grouped with others ingame. For example, if a warrior rolls on agility cloak while a rogue has already needed on the same item (in case it is an upgrade for the rogue of course) I will start by explaining that agility cloak is meant for agility classes like rogue, hunter or enhancement shaman. That way I can determine whether the person just made a mistake or rolled knowingly. If this does not work I will NOT resort to verbal abuse but will simply ignore the person to the best of my ability. And of course I would NOT expect such a warrior to be part of my guild.

    I also consider myself an honest person. Thus, if I am in a group consisting of all guildmates with only one outsider (non-guildie) and the outsider rolls properly and wins the roll, I will always speak up to defend his interests in case the guild decides to keep the item to themselves. In the end I believe that a serious guild must be an example to others, in both player skills and personal qualities.

    Finally, I am not the most cheerful person in the world: I am not one of those raining jokes on everyone else. Quite on the contrary (and I believe being a lawyer contributes to this) I tend to listen to others more rather than speak myself.
    Activity level?
    Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer?
    Have you applied to the Other Games usergroup?
  2. Evilmaran
    Veteran Crowfall Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    The Netherlands
    Referral would be me m8 :p as im known as Aelin ingame.

    Would love to have you with us.

    if you can, please apply to the user group.

    go to user CP on the top menu, then select "group memberships" in the menu on the left, tick the box Join Group for the "Other Games" group and hit me up ingame afterwards, ill invite you.

    Thanks for applying and an awesome application.
  3. Elhaym

    Feb 25, 2011
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    Thank you for the swift reply and accepting for trial. Looking forward to working as a team. :)
  4. Evilmaran
    Veteran Crowfall Member

    Mar 24, 2010
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    The Netherlands
    accepted and on trial