how is planetside next releasing next quarter and theres like no info!? WHERES BETA?! I have reinforcements that want to play but dont wanna pay 20$ to play the old one
The general opinion is that the release date is being released next month. It was just a cleverly worded PR statement.
Sony President John Smedley said "We have a very big launch coming in the month of March," "It's a big first person shooter franchise that we're really happy with." I don't know how that is "cleverly worded" to suggest a release date is being announced next month, especially considering he used the word "launch." Realistically though, I doubt the game will be released next month. Perhaps he misspoke or was misquoted.
C'mon guys, you're MMO gamers who pay money to play games monthly. This shouldn't be such a shock or break the bank. Fork over the damn 20 and have a blast!
Late first quarter/early second will be just these next couple of months. So all released info points to the March release date, however with the incredibly small amount of info about the game I really dont see it being released any time soon. Of course, Sony could just have this project locked down tighter than anyone has ever done before and we could see a miraculous launch next month.
I didn't know the PS servers where still up and running, been so long. I would play, but just got into Rift and am liking it a lot. Maybe after I get bored with it I'll come cya guys there since it's so cheap.
You all still messing around with Planetside? Been wanting to play for a few years but I've never had any serious interest in buying it until I saw stuff for Planetside Next. On the verge of hopping the fence and buying Planetside: Aftershock to get a taste.
Thought we'd have an "outfit" or something of the sort for something akin to "guild chat". I'll hop on TS eventually. Thanks.