OOS NewEgg: 8800GS 384MB PCIe + 2GB Crucial Ballistix Tracer 6400 Memory $70 AR AR = After Rebate OOS = Out of Stock **Keep an eye out though in case they restock** Since no Sale/Trade section up yet and this seemed like a sweet deal (have the 8800GS in my system) I thought would post this for anyone looking to upgrade and older Card and add more memory at a sweet price. this link will add it to your shopping cart (generic cart, will still have to sign into your account): http://secure.newegg.com/Shopping/ShoppingCart.aspx?submit=ChangeItem or this link and just add the combo deal manually (about half way down on the left side): http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?nm_mc=AFC-SlickDeals&cm_mmc=AFC-SlickDeals-_-NA-_-NA-_-NA&Item=N82E16814130332 *ram has two EPP profiles one is the 4-4-4-12 at 800mhz or 5-5-5-15 at 1000mhz Card infos: http://www.techpowerup.com/reviews/EVGA/GeForce_8800_GS http://www.gpureview.com/show_cards.php?card1=551&card2=475
A couple days ago you could get 2 GB of OCZ sticks for $9.99. Memory is so cheap these days, no one should have any reason to have less than 2 GB.
agreed, last week I ran across a sweet deal on the 2nd gen G15 keyboard for like $40...but the forums were down.