TERA Online ApplicationHow old are you? 26 In-Game Name? Omonai Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic? Yes What is your primary class? Lancer Why did you choose XoO: Well I have always been playing MMOs usually with my friend Kurushii, Since joining the military I haven't had much time to devote to this area of gaming even though I would try. Since I am about to get out I was offered by Kurushii to join up with this clan. Knowing Kurushii and how he is on a personal I never even questioned if it was the right choice for me. And, That is why I chose XoO. Previous Gaming Experience: Ragnarok Online - Guild Leader to a pretty successful guild. Also, 9xSinx, 9x Ninja, 9x Alchemist, 9x Hunter RF Online- Played Korean beta as well as NA before it went F2P Aion- Also Played Korean beta as well as the NA release. I have played many MMOs some of them not worth mentioning because of the military. Why do you think you'll be a good fit? Well from what I have been told this guild is good with team work. I am one to always want to work as a team I dislike soloing because I get far to bored to fast. I am a PvP junkie the more pvp the better. My leadership skills and being able to understand people and where they come from are above par, I make friends very easily because of it. What will you contribute to the guild? I offer lots of stability and level thinking in high stress moments. when other people wig out especially in game or towards each other I am usually the voice of reason to resolve most problems that arise. Or just give input into certain situations. Localization: NA Do you have a referral? Kurushii A little bit about yourself? I am very headstrong, I always try to see both sides to everything and I have no judgment on people and what they do. I am very friendly but I can get assertive in certain situations if shit needs to get done then so be it. I am quite calm and I like to make people laugh I hate being in tense surroundings so I always do my best to loosen everyone up around me if I see fit. I'm Black...LOL Activity level? 70+ Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer? Yes Have you applied to the TERA usergroup? Yes