Cheers mates, need a break from your everyday grinding? Do you have mad skills in making Flash Movies/Games, Audio, Art. Wanna show them off? Wanna play other mind variety of mind numbing games. Then visit this link and create your account. To start your Portal experience. Check this link out. Newgrounds
He posted that other "game" link thing a week or two as well that was a "referral" thing. OT, I didn't even know Newgrounds was still around.
Drakein I'm not sure if you aware but posting referral links etc is commonly referred to as spam. If you really want referrals a better place for that link is your signature. Then it has much further reach by being in every post that you make and is less of an annoyance to other members.
This is why I look down on referral links. You may love the game or site and want to share it, but I avoid referral links because people tend to spam it. But just dropping the link makes it seem like you're just referral spamming, while providing a link to the core site and saying something like "and if you like the site, please use my referral link to sign up" comes across less so. At least to me, some people probably don't mind.
Its not like he is posting on the forums everyone day making new threads with the links. He has done this twice. Correct me if I am wrong, I don't see referral links for a browser game being against the Xen CoC but spam is. I don't think its gotten to the point where he is spamming. On the other hand I do agree that putting the links in a signature would be better since threads can get buried over time, a signature cannot.
Aw shucks, Sorry guys if i do come off as offensive and spamming. :tear: Won't do it again and thanks for being honest.