I wasn't lucky enough to get to know the COD4 crew and I regretted not joining in on the BC2 boat as well. I'm gonna pick this one up for sure.
Yup, we're planning on making a competitive team for Black Ops. I'll be having a meeting sometime soon for Black Ops to guage activity and such. I'm going to rant a little bit about it at the meeting tonight. Also, check out the Black Ops forums under upcoming and unsupported games
Seems like almost everyone is interested in this one which is the main reason I'm interested in it. I might have to wait until I hear what its like from others first but if everyone is diggin it I'm probably gunna get it.
I'm going to. I can't play BC2 anymore without wanting to punch a hole through my monitor. Time for a new, less frustrating fps.
Did my Direct2Drive Pre-order yesterday! Wanted to due it via Steam but those fuck tards kept rejecting my CC....
Aww, Steam CAN be very frustrating sometimes. They had left for dead 2 on sell one day for $6 and some change, I go to work, tell my buddies to buy it, we come home from work and its no longer on sell. Wasn't even 24 hours. Grr.