Just got an email to join their CB today. Anybody else get it? http://www.bloodlinechampions.com/ [edit] In-game Name: illian
Nope. Interesting though my DXDiag is no longer working. Says I have Windows NT and an Intel PII MMX..
I don't think Funcom has my email address after they seem to have completely lost my account for AoC o_o.. But looks worth checkin out, but then again looks have been deceiving with Funcom at least within the first 6 months till a new project manager is assigned =)
Well after playing it for a few hours, I must say the gameplay is pretty hawt! More specifically the tps style of ranged attacks (aka non-heat seeking projectiles =p) and the physical control over dodging makes for some pretty intense battles. I'm pretty much sold on watching how it develops through the beta cycles....
dude, this game is so freakin' A-W-E-S-O-M-E awesome! Is there not more of us here playing? [edit] imho, it's way better than hon and lol...let me explain: You ever have one of those epic moments between an opponent in like, lets say, counter-strike for instance. Where you're sneaking down the hallway in dedust2 to plant the bomb and you notice a ct hiding behind a box... So naturally, you go to pull out your knife to take care of business; but right as you come up to him he turns around and so you're circling one another for a brief moment before unloading the lead. And after all of your main ammuintion has been expelled, you break out the pistols and run side by side desperately trying to shoot one another, but to no avail...so once again, you both break out the knives to seal the deal. That's what Bloodline is like, which makes for a pretty good atomosphere as opposed to people drilling on one another all the time for not living up to...whatever standards they believe in. =p Which is very apparent in hol and lol... All in all, it's a bit more compelling and generally positive is all i'm trying to say. =p
I can't wait to try this game out. Looks so awesome. And since it's based off DotA, I instantly love it. @_@
Actually, it's nothing like dota at all imo. Similar style of graphics, but the gameplay is way more physically engaging. Read this: http://www.gamespot.com/pages/news/story.php?sid=6282458