I shizzle you not, it's DotA 2. By valve. And icefrog. My pants cannot contain the excitement.
yeah John St. John the voice actor for Duke Nukem, let the cat out of the bag a couple months ago via twitter.
I rather see Ep. 3, but hey, can't have everything in life. Let be honest about the Dota games... Dota: A staple but old, outdated and annoying as hell sometimes. LoL: Dota Lite version, while the game has a better intro some of the other things such as runes/shop and persistence bonuses drive people away. Hon: Closer to Dota than LoL but is dark, isn't much fun to look at, and filled with elitist assholes. Dota 2: Is going to be a "hopefully" healthy mix of them all.
Too bad LoL is for nooooooooobs ! I heard about this awhile back, that icefrog was talking to valve! VERY happy its confirmed! This will be great, values intuition and general greatness will add heaps to this already great game. This is going to be interesting to follow.
Same link is already in my OP silly But yeah, some neat stuff, and I love the art direction they're going with for the game.