bwhahahaha we can still play online ... but yeah anyways Started as germany in the north of africa ... i now own the entire african continent ... most of western europe (the UK too) and im making my way towards eastern europe with my panzers and luftwaffe 43 more turns left for world domination !!!
When I played that map I was in northern Africa too. I'm disappointed that you don't correctly correlate geographically to the real world map.
Guys could you give me like a short review of this? I LOVED Civ3 a lot, really awesome game. Civ 4 was a pile of wank though, its like they made it for 10 year olds if you get what I mean. The graphics was shit and it was so boring / easy / cartoony / shit. Is this game more like civ 3 or civ 4?
I never played the others so I can't give you an answer, but this game is really good imo. I enjoy it and am putting a lot of time into it if that's what your looking to do.
i havent played 1 or 3. but i loved 2 and 4! V its like any other Civ but awesomer! MrMakuto my Review is this the Game is awesome, its good as any other Civ but its simpler still realy deep but simpler. if you played any other civ you will not be lost, but the thing im loving is the simplified Combat. 1º the rock, paper, scisor in units is not as fundamental. 2º there is ranged combat. example an archer can strike a unit that is 2 places away doing damage with out suffering any damage to them unles you are finghting anoter ranged unit. 3º once you lear how to sail, any unit can go into seacoast, this is awesome! no more building for 20 turn a shity boat to put 2 units and try to fight a city that has a stack of 80 units. 4º no more stacks of units, exept few cases you canot cross or use the same space as other units, and if you move a unit to a place where another unit you control is there one of them will move. 5º there are flanquing bonuses, so if 2 untis atack 1 unit you get big monuses to damage. 6º cities are units by themselfs having a ranged atack and a life bar. and only one unit can be station there to defend it. making you defend you territory with smart placing of units. 7º each unit consumes resourses. for example you discover Iron, that iron deposit give you 5 iron that meens you can only have 5 units that require iron, example i can only have 5 knights. this puts a cap on resorses of the powerfull units. so destroing a iron deposit of an enemy is much more efective than in previus games. and the list goes on and on. i love civs but for the first time combat is chalenging and i have to think a little about it isted of just sending a 200 stack of units to destroy a city! in the end its more intuitve, its clean, its fun, its chalenging, its adictive! its Awesome, if you like any civ game its a must buy in my book! if you have any spesif question ill try to awnesr it, because this game is so good that i can spend a realy long time about it,
multiplayer lan mode howto: - backup steamclient.dll - open steamclient.dll in any hex editor. - search for SKIDROW – first match at 0×31040 is it. you see pid before, SAVES after - change SKIDROW to any other name – keep it 7 charakters length - save it - start civ5, host a lan game, check if your name has changed (if it didnt work, you messed something up – try again) - if so, you can now play lan games with friends (even over openvpn) since everyone got another name have fun with friends ^^ supposedly this is a fix for online play, havent tried it yet tho.
Only good Civ so far was number 2. 1 was too frustrating to play on dos 6.22 2 had a good balance 3 they took too much of the good stuff in and put too much rubbish in alternate 3 was also fairly meh, but better than the official version 4 wasnt much kop, I actually preferred alpha centurai (though I think that was released around the same time as 3). I also have the 1-4 box set, just cba to play some of them as they arent as good, not matter how much the reminiscense is. Is it me though, or does everyone tend to always pick america or germany because of their later in game bonuses?
np glad i could help everyone out this thread actually reminded me to go pirate Civ myself which i spent a few hours today doing and thats where i found the online fix.
Let me know if you guys are getting games going I play this too. That method plus any vpn/hamachi should let you play over lan just fine.
wish my laptop could play this better... tends to freeze/crash after 130+turn 6player solo games.. but limited graphics card and memory doesnt really help lol
I don't understand why this game is so resource intensive. Granted it does a lot of number crunching, but I feel like they did a terrible job coding the game.
Civ 4 did this too. The longer the game and the larger the map and the more players, the longer each turn takes.
This game is PURE EVIL!! I nabbed it via steam around 9:30'ish (PM) Yesterday and lost track of time.. next thing I know it was freaking 2:30AM and I was waiting for ONE MORE TURN! Gawd, this is worse then crack!!
its keept me up till 5am 2 days in a row now...and my crashing problem revolved around making decisions while viewing the board full zoom out or while in strategic view..nearly every time i moved more than 3 units or ended a turn in strategic view the game client crashed
the game has not crashed on me jet, but i have to admit i have not played it for more than 2 hours straight. (well some times 3) its so adictive that i had made that rule, with 4. But im loving the game!