I've been playing this free MMO for a few weeks now. It's not too bad, for a Korean micro-pay grinder. I've recently gotten to lvl 52, and am now allowed to participate in an RvR event they call "the War". Even numbers of mirrored classes join their own instance, and get to blast each other until one side is all dead. If we had a guild group with ventrilo, and the kinds of tactics I saw employed in Warhammer, we would have no problem owning all in this game. My character's name is Aerwyn, and I'm normally in Channel 2 of Mercury server. If you play Cabal Online, or check it out, look me up. This is the link for the download for US and Canada: http://cabal.ogplanet.com/download.og
I spend an inordinate amount of time on this game so hit me up US server mercury. PandaJr is current alt im leveling.