I think the fail was by the author himself. There was no need for paragraphs 5 to 9. I really don't see why any reader would give a crap what his opinion is on the term gay. That said, it's rather pathetic that we have to result to blanket bannings due to something as trivial as this. And keep in mind, it is Microsoft's system, they can do whatever they want with it whether the end user agrees with it or not. If they wanted to ban the word "the" because they found it offensive they have every right to do so. It is a private system not public and that's all that matters.
They tried to ban my account back in the day when my brother and I were madden freaks back in like 05 or 06 or something like that. We were like 300-20 or something like that, but the person got pissed at us and reported our name. I got an email the next day that said I had to change my name. I had to fight back and forth with them to not change The Cox, as I had had it since like 2003 or 4 or something like that. But anyways, I finally had to tell them, look, if you are going to ban my account, then you best get a lawyer, because Cox is my last name and I will not stand for this bull shit... Look at my credit card statement, it says Peter Cox, and I threatened them with discrimination because my last name sounds like the male reproductive organ. But yeah, after that the relinquished my account and let me have it back.
yes but no matter how many they get you can't win against discrimination against a last name lol the judge would look at MSFT and be like what the fuck is your problem XD.
Me and a few friends were walking around in the dark, we stumbled along our old highschool where people were having a grad sleepover in tents. Someone yelled "That's GAY!" We passed someone, he said "Sup?" though clearly uninterested while walking by. My friends and I all shared a look, a chuckle, and continued on our way.
Cox is a legitimate abbreviated form of coxswain. It sure as hell won't show up in any dictionary as an alternate form of cocks. Oh, and would the complainant have any idea what a coxswain is? You could bet your house on no.
Yes, stuff has gotten out of hand. I can understand it is a mistake but when provided with information in the guys defense why not just revoke the suspension and then comp him for his lost time. Shit isn't how it use to be...
Because everyone gets sued over every little thing now, because so and so got offended. It'll never be how it used to be in a lot of aspects, some for the better some for the worse. And the only problem I can see with allowing Cox to use his name or allowing Fort Gay on your profile is the setting of precedences. Once you open those gates it always comes back to bite you.
I wouldn't actually sue them, but I was super pissed. I had been using TheCox as an online handle for almost 6 years at that point.
Pretty messed up if you ask me. Glad i don't do XboX Live. ( Mostly cuz I won;t buy an xbox or anything like that and pay a monthly membership )
You dont have to buy a subscription, you just miss out on a lot of online things if you dont. Personally havent got any games where I have thought "must buy sub", as I tend to go for single player jrpg's on my xbox rather than group fps'