<<Every autumn the bar-tailed godwit undertakes an eight-day journey from Alaska to New Zealand. The bird flies non-stop, without once breaking the journey to rest or eat.>> http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/06/100609102052.htm That's a 11,000 km trip over the pacific ocean .. WTF ...
Humpback whales travel over 25,000 km, it can take from 4-8 weeks however. So not as fast, just further
There is a world of difference, you'll surely agree, between just floating around, eating, resting, shitting in water and actually flying in the air without a single break anywhere (means no food, no water) along 11,000 km
thats crazy, someone should tell them to leave a day or 2 earlier and get some food and break along the way!
Just wait until someone finds out they really just perch on a shipping vessel the whole journey ;P The bird i am most impressed by is the Lyrebird. It imitates whatever is the dominate sound as part of its mating calls. I saw a special that had one imitate a car alarm and then a chainsaw, awesomesauce.
They actually don't usually eat on their journey, i suppose if they get lucky and run into a school of fish perhaps, but the journey begins with the sole purpose to find food. It's a continuous journey, while floating might be easier than flying, they must fight the waves during storms, so its not just pointing their nose in a direction and floating with the tides.
So? I have to travel down TWO sets of stairs to get to the fridge. Yup thats TWO sets of stairs! Pity me.