1. Age (18+ Requirement): 22 2. In-Game Name: Drakein 3. Do you have TeamSpeak3 and a mic?: Just finished setting it up. Yes, i do have a mic built into my headset. 4. Previous gaming experience: I have been a gamer since 2004. I have played every game that came out here in the Philippines but only got serious about 3 games. Sky Blade, Cabal, Runes of Magic. As those are the only 3 games that were handled really well. 5. Why did you choose XoO?: Aside from the awesome name. I really like to belong to an organized guild and a great community. 6. Why do you think you'll be a good fit?: I am a very competitive gamer. Aside from that i strategize, i read up on materials about the game i am about to play. I am very friendly as well. 7.8. What will you contribute to the guild: How will you improve our guild and be a valued member?: Loyalty and Dedication to the guild. Continue on improving myself so that i can help in terms in PVE/PVP/Guild Wars. Even if i have to take some advice to improve my game play and game play for my Guild Members. Be a strong presence in the community forums of Tera and represent our guild in a good way and always be active. 9) What class do you intend to play?: Currently i am torn apart with either Slayer or a Warrior. But i am mostly leaning towards using Slayer as my main Class. 10) Localization (NA/EU)?: Anywhere i am needed. Since i am from the Philippines i can play either in NA or EU. 11. Do you have a referal?: None 12. A little bit about yourself: My name is Sean Graham. I live in Philippines and i am addicted to Online Games. That is the only thing i can tell you about myself as i don't have a life outside of my online life. So i am online most of the time. 13. Activity Level? (hrs/week): I can play anywhere from 100 to 120 hours a week. 14. Apply to usergroup: Done
App looks fine, TS details sent to you - I will be home monday and tuesday so look for me around then, if not see for Kyoji. I noticed you have never played a P2P game before, whats the reason for this?
I have played a couple of P2P MMORPG before. But something always comes up like it becomes infested with Botters or Hackers that i just leave the game and never really get a chance to get pretty serious about the game. Those 3 i have listed up there is where i really can say that i really got serious. So those three are the only ones i mentioned. Also sorry i think i missed you by a few minutes and missed my interview. Think i will wait on TeamSpeak3 in applicants waiting room whenever i am online. Hope too see you soon.
You serious? That's barely enough time to do anything else except game at all. 1 week = 168 hours if you seep 8 hours a day: 8*7 = 56 168-56 = 112 You saying that you play 100-120 hours a week would mean your average day would be. wake up play game sleep You wouldn't have time for anything else at all. I'm not sure I buy you saying you play 100-120 hours a week.
Used to be a lot worse(Well that is what the people in my house said.) when i was playing Cabal. I would play 23 hours, rest the computer an hour then drink make enough coffee to last another 23 hours. Then maybe sleep an hour or two when i can't fight the sleep anymore. Have someone wake me up. Then play again. When i am addicted to a game. I just can't stop playing. I average about 2-4 hours sleep a day.
ACCEPTED. Probation ends after 30 days. Post around and get to know everyone. Make sure you check out the New Recruits Guide for TERA and do what it says. The game will be a while till release so stay active on the forums. Whenever they release the next testing phase you are welcome to join us in TS3 and in game. You now have access to the forums, the direct link to TS3 info is located here Remember to pick up a copy of Battlefield: Bad Company 2 or League of Legends. BC2 can be purchased via STEAM and LoL can be downloaded for free, google it. Since TERA is a long time from release we want to have our TERA members getting to know each other. Of course you are welcome to play any of the other supported games, however you would need to contact the CO that is listed on the main page to the right for info on how to join. If you have any other questions/comments dont hesitate to ask. Cya IG and have fun.