Bieber is for dislike him is like hating barney..hey!! its not for you!!! What are you doing watching kids stuff to even know to hate it? stop watching..its that simple.. Is 4chan a bunch of 15 yo getting their first pubes? and spacing themselves from the under 13 crowd? I hope the hackers get caught. get'em Google!!! grrrrr
sure he is for 13 yo girls and housewives but still wont stop everyone from disliking the guy and thats just what 4chan hackers do =P
Google, if they were an ethical and responsible company, should thank the crackers for discovering the vulnerability and bringing it to their attention in an innocuous manner.
ugh I hate people who go to 4chan, talk about 4chan, and think about 4chan.. I wish that website would burn in hell.
So you hate me ? * sob sob * I'm very thankful for some sections of 4chan, and totally ignore all the others. I think that's the common behaviour there.
I go on 4chan once a blue moon just to see if there are any news updates. Information travels faster on that website than actual news pages. Oh and also, I have to confess I was one of the people who aided in fixing the vote poll to send Justin Bieber to North Korea for his tour. Couldn't resist. I'm already going to hell, might as well have some fun.
Okay.. Its fine hating bands or artists usually but hating Bieber is a must because this kid has no talent whatsoever..
i just read that story and was going to add it here... Ill add the aritcle cnp. I have to say, that was brilliant.
It hurts me to think my girlfriend's little sister loves Beiber. It aids me in knowing my girlfriend despises him. So I have to hear about it when I see the girlfriend...But then I get to hear the hateful remarks right back about it.