If they do this.... you can kiss subscriptions good bye. http://www.pcgamer.com/2010/06/30/blizzard-discuss-making-world-of-warcraft-free/ I like F2P but I didn't want fucking blizzard to start doing it. GG to every F2P game out there that had a chance before this monster decided to shit on them as well.
This will destroy all other F2P games... but at the same time, it'll make F2P the standard for any new MMO - that is if they want to stand a chance to compete.
Yeah that is the only good side of it, is placing a standard like they did before with P2P. Every time I hear about WoW it's like some bratty kid is standing in line with me making annoying noises while every one continues to reward his bad behavior.
well if WoW go F2P then maybe we will get better F2P games out there on the market then what we have on our hands now. Another thing this might be away for Bliz to kill WoW so there new hush hush MMO can come out with out WoW killing it lol
Its a cool thought but I think it will be quite a while before or even if they decide to implement F2P.
They aren't planning on it. It's a huge *if* http://kotaku.com/5576435/could-world-of-warcraft-go-free+to+play
as much as you dont want to think about it, if they are talking about it then its being talking and under discussion. Its really not a "IF" topic its more so a talk int he office to see if it will be better or not
Well then your wallet prob going to be forking out more money with WoW cash shop. Blizz prob going to go tot he rout where to play the game CS is needed, look at Arch Lord to do anything fun like and worry free you depend alot of on the CS
I've played many, many F2P games in the past and the most I've spent is about 200 bucks in just one game. From what I can tell you, free to play in the end becomes a battle of wallets. I am totally against WoW going f2p because if f2p become standard, there won't be any equality in game. It won't be about skill or time anymore if you add money into the equation.
Well I think WoW, for players who have been there for 5 years, is really starting to get old more than they can manage to change. It's kind of less "in the public eye" than it used to be. So changing other things might attract people back!
You cant really say wow going F2P, they have made billions over the last several years from it. So all they are doing is using old rope for money. And effectively looking to stifle chance to create, most houses have fairly good budgets based on a P2P model, however if it suddenly goes to a CS + Game business model profit will go from the genre basically giving even more power to an overdominent party already. So from my point of view WoW F2P is probably the worst thing that could ever happen to the MMO genre.
As I said, i think blizzard will only go this route if they think they are going to lose too many subscribers to a f2p game such as GW2. Especially as GW1 had such a huge player base due to its F2P model (and after 3 years its installation of a cash shop for aesthetic items).
Well perhaps WoW will go F2P when its new mmo comes out. Maybe the new mmo will be P2P and WoW will be F2P. That way they don't have to stay competitive on same money market.
ding ding, we have a winrar ;P That would be the most logical time and reason to make wow f2p, that way they can still cash in on the micro transactions while the rest of the people transition over to the new guy on the block.
I can agree with this, but cash shops will still relevant in any F2P game, heck - there are cash shops in P2P games. At the very end of the article, for those of you that read the whole thing, "Don’t cancel your subscription just yet though: WoW isn’t going free-to-play in the near term. When asked if Blizzard were actively considering the implications of a free-to-play model, Tom played down the idea of the game switching over right away. “We’re not spending a lot of time thinking about it. It’s not something that’s a reality for us in the near future.â€" Sure, they are thinking about it, I'm sure most companies in this market think of things similar to this, in fact - probably all of them. Its a different business model that needs to be considered, but if you want to take this short article to heart, then you have to realize that Blizzard will continue to milk their product until they realize that switching to another business model is more beneficial, not necessarily related to that specific product. Either way, probably have some time down the road before they will really consider implementing it.