Jabenak, Shaman of all trades!

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Jabenak, Jun 11, 2010.

  1. Jabenak

    1. Character Info: Name, Class, Main Spec (Link armory):

    Jabenak, Shaman, Elemental | WoW Armory

    Note: I have the capabilities to spec Elemental, Enhancement, or Restoration if the guild needs. I have 3 sets of armor dedicated to these specs and I also have a very good grasp and knowledge of my class as a whole.

    Note: I switched from Enhance to Elemental tonight so I know my Ashen Verdict ring isn't for elemental. Once I can get into a raid group it will be fixed and a 20 sp 10 haste gem will go into it.

    2. Explain your talent selection (theorycrafting source, specialization choices etc):

    Elitist Jerks Think Tank Elemental Shaman Section
    This is my main resource of knowledge with my shaman. I took a look at both specs, tested them in raids, and choose between the two. I noticed my mana wasn't a concern so I dropped the mana regen talents that weren't necessary.

    3. Your Age:


    4. Current professions and their raid benefit:

    Mining and Jewelcrafting, there is no significance with mining..only that it helps me farm ore for Jewelcrafting. Jewelcrafting offers Dragon's Eyes and also the ability to cut my gems, severely cutting the cost of my raid consumables.

    5. How long you've been playing WoW and what PvE progression you've accomplished:

    I started my shaman about a week prior to the release of The Burning Crusade. I raided in TBC all the way to Illidan; our guild dispersed due to drama in between the tanks. In WOTLK I have experienced every bit of content, I haven't downed Yogg or LK 25 man HM yet. My DK has gotten some kills that this toon hasn't but as a raider I learn about every role since I can competently full fill it.

    6. Describe how you theorycraft your class (websites, spreadsheets, etc):

    I am constantly checking forums and simulators to see if I have reached enough haste in my gear. The idea is to get your haste high enough unbuffed so that it reduces the cast time of Lightning Bolt to the shortest possible amount of time without suffering from extreme diminishing returns.

    7. Occupation and living arrangements that impact raiding (family, schedule, etc):

    I'm in the Army as a mechanic, and currently non-deployable. I'm also married with 2 kids. My wife and I have an agreement that during raid times unless it's an emergency that I have that time to myself.

    8. Guild History - where are you leaving and why:

    I was a trial for BIS and I got hacked. During the three days I was without toons they recruited a lot more trials and decided to let me go before my last week of trial. Since then I have added the Mobile Authenticator that Blizzard offers to my account.

    9. How did you hear about us? List any friends/references within the guild:

    Ricerocket, pugged ICC with him.

    10. List your raid consumables and your method for maximizing them:

    Flask of the Frost Wyrm - Do dailies and play the AH, I constantly have 20 on me at the start of a raid week.
    Flask of Pure Mojo - For fights that I need to be restro. I also keep 20 of these.
    Potion of Speed - I have 80 of these at the start of a raid week, I double pot every pull.
    Firecraker Salmon - I generally have an excessive amount of Glacial Salmon so I make a stack of this in case a feast isn't available.

    I have 4 80s, each one has a beneficial set of professions. I do Wintergrasp on them all so I have honor saved up. My paladin is 450 enchanting with a ton of mats and I can hop on any of my toons and send gems over if my Shaman is hurting for honor points.

    11. List scheduling conflicts (include times for possible weekend 10mans):

    I am available any time after 6pm CST. I am available any time on the weekend unless I make a comment about it early in the week.

    12. Provide your raid damage/healing performance. Examples are Recount Screenshot with personal breakdown of attacks, WoW Web Stats (WWS), or World of Logs:

    Recount parse without buffs at the training dummy

    13. Provide a screenshot of your UI:

    Power Auras off cooldown | Power Auras on Cooldown

    14. Can you take constructive criticism and being call out on mistakes (both in and out of raid)?

    Of course, you can't correct mistakes if they aren't pointed out.

    15. Final comments you feel could help your application:

    I am a very competitive player. I have been playing this game for too long to be bad at it. I know I am capable of performing at top notch and putting forth my part in downing content. If I cause wipes I take repercussions that follow it and I don't chime in when my input isn't needed. I like to raid and I take it seriously. I hope I am accepted into your raiding community and family.

    Thank you for your time and patience!
  2. twinblades

    Feb 4, 2009
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    I am very confused by your gear the majority of it is restoration gear, but gemmed somewhat for elemental. Although, you have some elemental pieces on with the very mix and match of gear. Also is trauma your DPS weapon for now? It does look like you put time into you application which is nice for a change though. I would just like to know if that is you full elemental gear?
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2010
  3. Jabenak

    The guild I was in before BIS would only allow me to roll on mail pieces. Stupid I know so yes most of my gear has restro attributes but gemmed for ele. I don't understand how you got the "some what" part of the gemming aside from my green gem in my pants, it's an MP5 gem instead of stam, I don't really see a huge issue in spending honor or gold on a gem for such an unimportant stat.

    The only weapons that are better than trauma according to the sims are hardmode weapons and Lich King. I have had bad luck wth DKP and drops in HM kills.
  4. twinblades

    Feb 4, 2009
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    As far as your gear again and only being allowed to only roll on mail gear there are still other options for you. For Example:

    Also obviously your T10 pieces as well for elemental...
    Belt: Waistband of Despair - 60 Emblem of Frost
    Pants: Lightning-Infused Leggings - Leatherworking [iCC]
    Boots: Earthsoul Boots - Leatherworking [iCC]
  5. Jabenak

    I agree, those are obvious choices. I guess it was bad badge spending on my part..
  6. twinblades

    Feb 4, 2009
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    I was looking are your talents and I noticed a couple things that should be changed at least in my opinion, but I never really played a elemental as my shamans primary talent. What do you think of these talents?

    Note: Your glyphs look good to me and from what I have been looking up for elemental.
  7. umaro

    Jan 27, 2010
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    A few questions:
    There are mail pieces in icc 10 and icc 25 that are solely elemental meaning they are sp/haste/crit... most of your pieces have mp5 on them... Your boots and legs have crit and mp5, you sacrifice about 150-200 haste on those two pieces alone, which is one of the most important stats to ele shams. So i would like a better explanation then i could only roll on mail pieces for all those mp5 pieces. Your cloak also needs a replacement bad. Your hit rating is waaaaaaaaaay under the needed hit cap so try and either regem till you reach it or regear for hit. Mining offers no benefit to an elemental/enhancement/resto shaman at all would you be willing to pick up a more beneficial profession? Last but not least you talents are a little off. One point in convection is a waste. Eye of the storm is extremely necessary to any raiding ele sham as aoe hits or random dmg will push back your casts. Improved shields is absolutely worthless so just nix that all together and pick up convection, shocks are very important. And for your glyph of lava if u put that and glyph of flame shock into a spreadsheet the bonus from flame shock gives a greater dps boost. Fix those few things and please get back to me after you have :D
  8. Jabenak

    Wow I just noticed those points in my talents and I really don't know what I was thinking when I picked them. The reason I have mining is so I can get ore to prospect for gems. I could pick up another prof but I'm not sure which one I would select. I'll post again when I have changed things up.
  9. umaro

    Jan 27, 2010
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    EDIT: not convection but elemental focus xP
  10. Bloodlex

    Aug 5, 2009
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    Engineering = WIN!!
  11. Pala

    Mar 31, 2010
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    Denied. You don't have the type of elemental gear we are looking for.