kind of ironic...sunscreen giving you skin cancer
I wonder if that ingredient Retinyl palmitate means all kinds of palminate. Coppertone brand contains Ethylhexyl palmitate, so I'm not sure if that's even safe..hmmm
Everything gives you cancer it seems these days. If someone tries to find a link between X and cancer they will.
Aging causes cancer. I say we put old people on a Carousel like in Logan's Run!! O crap, I am old, nah scratch that. Let's just ban aging so everyone stays young!!!!
I barely see this thing called sunlight and I never really use sunscreen unless I KNOW some serious sun absorption is going to go down.
We can all use sparkles instead. It works for vampires who normally burst into flames. It should work on us mere mortals. Though the side effects may be worse than skin cancer.
The best solution is to change the definition of old to mean "anyone over 1000". That way, we all stay young for some time to come.