Just ebayed me and awesome deal on a laptop! Got the gateway P-6831fx for $850. Check it out. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=ADME:B:EOIBSAA:US:11&Item=130243270197
It still has the year warranty. And, I worked for tech at school and they had gateways and gateway support was top notch. The reason I went with eBay is because it was around 500 dollars cheaper then the retail. I personally have never had a bad experience with any tech parts boughten off eBay, so I have no reason to not trust it. (lets hope my luck holds out!) I was looking at the new sagers with the 9800m gt in them, but I decided I didn't want to spend $1800 lol Also, at least in my experience if something goes wrong with the computer, which is the computers fault, gateway is very good about fixing it even out of warranty. Lets just hope my luck doesn't run out with this item!!! lol
hehe, Well how else am I suppose to get feedback? lol I used my moms account in high school and realized I needed my own. Anyways as long as the payment goes through it doesn't matter right?
Nice laptop. I've played around with that one and loved it. Although I generally think Gateway = shit (as well as Acer and eMachines), that's one of their better products. Another Gateway I like is their tablet PC with 526 levels of pressure sensitivity. (like the Graphire tablets)
Ya, I got it in... and it runs better then i expected I am planning on upgrading the processor when the mobile prices drop a bit. Because the 1.6 gig is definitely holding it back. But, on WoW on all max settings and 8x AA it gets 40-50 fps in shat... that was better then i expected. It also plays lotro flawlessly on high settings. It definitely is a very nice compliment to my 8800gts sli machine at home
That I don't know... but I do know there were a few with upgraded processors on ebay.... and if its just a bit of soldering ill be fine... ive modded xbox's etc. before
I have purchased a lot of things off ebay and as long as the seller is legit( more than 10 + postive feedback) I've never had an issue. As a seller though(I used to sell dvds) I have had a few problem buyers. Someone refused to pay the shipping fee and I refunded his money minus my listing fee so he left me negative feedback. Some people are morons, but oh well, over 500 positive and only the 1 negative.