My favorite is "Which 3D accelerator should you buy?" I'm sure contenders were the Matrox G400, Riva TNT, Voodoo 2, etc... One Love, Cal
That's nice, but you dodged the question. Were you trained on Doom? Don't worry, I won't tell anyone... not even Dwayne Johnson.
i have a tonne of old video game mags stored away... its funny to look back at the and read the stuff thats in development and see how excited the writers where about the virtua boy, or the "nintendo ultra 64"... ive even got an old pc mag, where a pentium 2 was over clocked to 450 mhz, and they put a massive memory upgrade to 512mb... and it was mind blowing speeds!!
Listen Jabroni, I wasn't a US Marine, I was a US Soldier (Army). They didn't train us with Doom, we played America's Army. Oddly enough, when you shoot someone in RL, there are no respawns. Also, spawn camping isn't an option, because I guess Al-Queda has some sort of secret spawn point. There are no IEDs in America's Army, so we weren't prepared for that either. In all seriousness, there are some very cool "simulators" that the Army uses to train troops. Huge indoor projected battlefields with crew-serve weapons, laser grenades, etc. lots of cool gadgets. I had the opportunity to use some of this as a pilot program while I was in Korea a few years ago. Neat-O. One Love, Cal
hexen was awesome at the time...I went with the voodoo 2. And I was almost unbeatable in unreal. Alas age has taken a few 1/100th of a sec from my reaction time.