Check it out, it's a ARPG similar to TERA but more emphasis on pvp and dynamic surroundings. From the trailer it should let you know that it's a pretty grim story behind it. They are planning beta testing soon and most likely will launch sometime this year in the late summer or fall. It's also F2P. Stuff includes in combat: dynamic surrounds where you can pick up tables, rocks and what not to hit things with. So if you liked the beat 'em ups on SNES this is your game. Has grabs and armor durability. depending on how good a player is the armor will be battle damaged to the point where there is nothing left if you get hit to many times. So basically if your running a dungeon you might end up fighting the boss butt naked. Which won't matter much if your good at moving your ass and noticing the attack patterns like in any Action game.
You do know alot of games has the armor durability, some does it apone death some are done just like this as you ake dmg over time your armor drops in durability. Some ever go as far when the armors durability drops so does the magic resis, Def and some the other stats unless its bonus stats. One thing I notice it seems there races are gender locked......well the two they show One thing Nexon is stepping there game up most F2P company's if you notice stay with the same style of graphics all they do is jazz it with glow lol. I will congratz them for setting the bar for better F2P MMO now lets see if they dont fuck this up
graphics do not look as good and I never play F2P games as they are never as good as P2P games. But, I did enjoy the trailer with the dungeons and traps. =O
Yes I know other games have durability but not like this game. Your armor literally shreds to pieces in one dungeon. falls off completely off your character piece by piece. You still get the stat bonus just not the armor protection ( not 100% sure about this statement ). My friend is in the Korean beta for this game and it's truely a game worth looking at. Forget that TERA is co-existing with it and just look at it as a game by itself. I think you need to have some more looks at F2P lots of F2P games are catching up to P2P games. Micro transaction is giving more money then any type of subscription service. Blizzard knows that and they took advantage of that with their glowy horse. There was one game that really blew everyone's mind on how polished and well made it was. It was Allods Online, sadly the cash shop ruined the game play forcing people to purchase items from the cash shop in order to keep playing competitively or just do anything at all.
Here's the game in HD It has spine breaking finisher moves. How can you deny this game of greatness lol and this is just a lowbie character.
micro is even worse. You pay more in the long run. I don't play F2P and never will regardless of how well the game is made.
I'm not saying it's a money maker for us lol. Even though if a game has a good cash shop it does save you money because most of the items can be sold in game in most F2P games now which gets rid of having to be forced to pay money. What I meant by that is that companies make more money from having a micro transaction game then a subscription game. Having vanity items for 5 dollars a piece 10 dollars a set makes it very profitable giving them more money and incentive to work with. I just think that you should get rid of your attitude towards F2P because your gonna see a huge change in the way MMOs will be soon. All the companies have noticed the micro transaction and it was stated in GDC that most companies are making plans for it now. Look at DDO was a game ready to crash and burn and now it's back and alive. Farmville is another example, it's a f2p game with micro and yet it has more followers and fans of it able to compete with valve. If you've seen the march mayhem fan favorite developer competition; valve almost lost their spot at semi-finals by 5% to Zynga. I was very hostile towards F2P games after I got my hands on WoW and never looked back at F2P games but 2009 completely changed that and conventions and rumors have put the nail in the coffin. So now I'm considering these F2P games. Another HD video with a more epic boss.
This one has a caster playing and you can see one of the character throwing stuff butt naked. Obviously he failed at defending himself lol. There is also no character specific classes. Just different character start points. The warrior male can progress as a tank if you need him to and can wear heavy armor + shield. This is just for warriors I dunno if it is the same with other characters. There is basically no classes in the game just characters that specialize.
Erm wellt he games im talking about once your armor hits 0 the armor goes poof and its lost for ever not it falls off but you still get the bonus Also just bc you see a few videos doesnt mean the game a win there can be alot of fail stuff int he game just hasnt gotten to it. its like a Movie they will only show you the best parts and thats it. iv played plenty of F2P games that good at the start and later suck or its fun for the next few days but after that you start saying to yourself wtf am i still playing this game for lol. Most F2P company dont really do a true beta sice half the time I see there Betas last for over 2 yrs lol and yes Nexon has done this where one of there games stay in "Beta" for more then a year and this was OB lol
doesnt mean that some ppl play the game with no armor lol. iv seen many ppl go into PvE fights with no armor.....not sure why but iv seen it Anywho in some the videos they still need to work on some of the fighting animations looks to blocky and stiff.
That's funny because I've had the same "Wtf" moments for P2P games which is worse because I end up losing money. In Aion was the biggest WTF moment, everyone praised it." It had flight OH EM GEE, it has rvr abyss *gasp* and the graphics are AMAZING! but oh wait... the end game is horrible and grindy wtf..." I don't think it matters whether a game is F2P or P2P the only reason why F2P are infamous for being bad is because there are more of them being produced then there are P2P. Obviousely if you saw over 50 P2P games launching in a year you would say the same about P2P and probably just give up MMOs for good. You usually see between 3-10 P2P games released a year sometimes not even that many and they take years to release with delays and issues within the company some times just don't release at all. I'm not defending one or the other but to just be blind against one or the other to me is being ignorant because both suck ass and waste my time and money. It's kinda like politics you have shitty nut jobs on both sides and you just gotta figure out which one wastes your time less. OB in F2P world is more of a marketting ploy then anything else. Just like P2P games, open betas for P2P games aren't really huge testings. It's more of a hands one for the masses and stability testing. If people don't like a certain thing in the OB you will never see a change till a few months down the line at which point OB was pointless. Some games in F2P and P2P actually use their OB responsibly but it's like I said before both are a giant mountain of shit and you just gotta dig to find the good ones.
I know what you mean *cough WAR Cough* lol I didnt find AION grindy 90% F2P are grindy out there with no end game nor beginning lol. AION only grind atm is its crafting system QQ
As much as WAR missed the ball I had a lot more fun and great moments in it then in Aion and played it for almost a year entirely even collected more then half of the exclusive item codes ( my WAR account is probably worth more then $200 dollars with exclusives alone if the game went back to gold ). Spent a month of playing Aion, maxed my crafting, collecting, level and was on my way to getting gear from the last dungeon. Alas the WTF moment hit me and I realized I was wasting my time on a game that wanted me to PvE in order to PvP and to me that is a load of bullshit. Like I said before I'm not defending F2P games I know most of them are garbage. The reason for that is because so many assholes are releasing them with small budgets and having intentions to make some quick bucks. To me P2P and F2P don't exist what I see is a game and that is Vindictus. If it wasn't worth talking about or even mentioning I wouldn't be sitting here right now wasting my time I would be on SC2 practicing or doing something productive.
One of the dynamic armor examples. If you skip to the start of the polar bear fight ( which is amazingly animated ) the main character has her helmet and eventually she loses it and a few other attires.
what you mean PvE to PvP ? bc last I looked you didnt have to PvE to PvP really only if u needed money. WAR is a PvP game with crap boring PvE AION is a PvEvP or was it PvPvE
Most of the animosity toward F2P are because: a) They are more expensive in the long run than p2p if you wanna be good. b) Its not based on skill anymore... just based on how long you play and how much money you can dish out. Vindictus is coming out prob. in aug/sep. by then Tera will be closed beta testing hopefull.y
My first instinct is that they add a cool feature like destroyable armor but then make it so you lose it a lot and have to use cash shops to stay geared or grind out several sets at once or grind naked every-time you lose a set. Can help but feel that this feature is just a money making scheme.
Here's some Hi-Def pics of character customization.,1.shtml Article about pvp:,1.shtml Some of the for character Lann @Kyraith Yeah I would agree with you there but developer's behind Vindictus are not money grubbers they have a Social mmo called MAbinogi and most of the items are vanity and you can choose to pay a subscription for extra hair styles, pet, player house for the same price as a P2P game. So theres no renewable 10 day mounts that cost 20 dollars or hair that falls off after a month for another 50 bucks.
New updates to Mab Heroes They are almost ready for beta testing in NA they have already started preparations so there should be some sign ups for the beta coming withing a week or two.