Enhancement Shammy

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Rolloneup, Apr 5, 2010.

  1. Rolloneup

    1. Character Info: Name, Class, Main Spec (Link armory):Rolloneup, Shaman, Enhancement http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Sargeras&cn=Rolloneup

    2. Explaine your talent selection (theorycrafting source, specialization choices etc):I get most my info from elitistjerks and looking up other shamans I know who are good and checking out their builds. Mostly I just play with the talents and see what gives me the most dps. Also I don't currently have 2 points in improved windfury totems since I was in a guild that had 2 enhance shamans. I took imp soe totem and they took imp wf totem so we could free up points. If you need me to put it back in I can.

    3. Your Age:31

    4. Current professions and their raid benefit: JC for its 3 improved gems and alchemy for 2 hours flasks and improved flasks.

    5. How long you've been playing WoW and what PvE progression you've accomplished: Been playing about 4 years. Raided some of the old 20/40 man content before BC came out. In BC raided everything from Kara thru BT. Never quite made it through sunwell before wotlk talents came out and made it ez mode. In wotlk I've raided everything up to ICC now. My experiance in ICC is 8/12 mainly because we never get a 2nd night of progression going in current guild due to lack of people caring.

    6. Describe how you theorycraft your class: Pretty much said it in #2 I look up builds and rotations on sites like elitistjerks. Then I'll check out shaman builds and forums on whats working best for everyone. Then I'll test it out and tweek it to what works best for me.

    7. Occupation and living arrangements that impact raiding (family, schedule, etc): Work early in the morning sometimes which might make 11 my absolute cut off some nights. Mostly wont be any issues though.

    8. Guild History - where are you leaving and why: Exile and Bloodlines. Currently in Exile. Leaving due to the raiding situation there. Looking for a guild more commited to raiding and progression. Only reason I left Bloodlines was due to the raid times conflicting with my new job.

    9. How did you hear about us? List any friends/references within the guild: I see a lot of Exile members applying here and I'm sure I've pugged with at least some of you before. Plus saw on your Sargeras forums post you were looking for an enhance sham.

    10. List your raid consumables and your method for maximizing them: For raids I bring at least a 20 stack of Fish Feasts, Endless Rage flasks, and Haste pots and healing consumables if I'll need to use my resto spec.

    11. List scheduling conflicts (include times for possible weekend 10mans): Pretty much none unless you run over the 11pm cutoff a lot on weekdays.

    12. Provide your raid damage/healing performance. Examples are Recount Screenshot with personal breakdown of attacks, WoW Web Stats (WWS), or World of Logs: Don't currently have one will work on getting at least a recount ss next raid I run. Depending on the fight I'm usually in the 7-9k range.

    13. Provide a screenshot of your UI: [​IMG] Nothing special use the default UI.

    14. Can you take constructive criticism and being call out on mistakes (both in and out of raid)? Yeah it's been a while since I've had another enh sham to measure myself with so I'm sure theres a lot I could be doing better. Just let me know if you see anything I can improve.

    15. Final comments you feel could help your application: About the only thing in this game that I still enjoy is progression raiding so it would be nice to get into a guild again that is commited to doing that.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2010
  2. Kié1397

    Mar 20, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Well i can say this man is good at his shit, hes fun o raid with, and i think you would be worth a trial, tho seems i say that about everyone whos been apping from exile lol so idk if that means anything
  3. umaro

    Jan 27, 2010
    Likes Received:
    i have five questions for you...
    1. Why are you socketing attack power?
    2. Do you see any issue with having 411 hit rating why/why not?
    3. What is the biggest upgrade for you in terms of gear?
    4. Imp stormstrike...just why?
    5. What is your rotation on a boss fight?
  4. Rolloneup

    1. I tried going full haste a while back and didnt notice any significant dps change if anything it seemed lower. So now I just use a mix of ap/haste.

    2. Yeah its a little over the 368 needed with s priest/boomkin buff but I usually float between 368-446 caps depending on what pieces of gear I picked up and also couldnt always depend on having the hit buff with my currents guild attendance rate.

    3. My biggest upgrade would probably be dropping my current chest for the one that drops off H ICC25 Festergut. Wouldn't hurt to replace my 251 ring either with the one that drops off of heroic marrow.

    4. I use nova a bit in my rotation and it strains my mana sometimes. Could throw it somewhere else like back on shields but won't make a huge difference.

    5. Stormstrike, then flame shock to open 2 earth shocks before next fs, lava lash, and mw proc lb's and nova's depending on where cd's and mw procs are at.
  5. Ologhai

    Jun 23, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Application looks good and well thought out. I'd like to see what Peppershaker has to say before moving this forward.
  6. Dragpo

    Mar 10, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Free-lance hero.
    Dorchester, NB, Canada
    Rolloneup is one of the few people in exile who regularly beats me in damage on my DK. He's also a lovely man.
  7. Tendeuce

    Mar 7, 2010
    Likes Received:
    the better question is do you smoke the green?
  8. Ologhai

    Jun 23, 2008
    Likes Received:
    We are trying to decide if we need another shaman right now. Will get an answer to you as soon as possible.
  9. Rolloneup

    Ok sounds fair. I'll continue my search for a guild in the meantime and check back on my app. here and there for an update.
  10. Rael

    Oct 18, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Lovin' yo momma
    Nawth Cahlina
    Trial it up IMO...seems like we need a dedicated enh shaman again and it would be well worth checkin' out his raid performance
  11. Rolloneup

    Havn't heard anything from you guys in a while so I'm gonna take an invite from another guild. Thanks for considering my app.