Detebe DK

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by detebe, Mar 24, 2010.

  1. detebe

    . Character Info: Name, Class, Main Spec (Link armory): Detebe DeathKnight Orc Main spec is Frost dw atm

    2. Explaine your talent selection (theorycrafting source, specialization choices etc):
    Sense 3.3.3 they have really buffed dual wield and right now trying it out and it seems pretty good but used to play blood cause of the balance dps of every fight you can get with that spec not like frost its more single target dps which can be good on certain fights and bad on others.

    3. Your Age: 20

    4. Current professions and their raid benefit:
    JewelCrafting it helps cause of the speical gems you get from it so itll also boost my dps. also having mining but thats for me to make gold so i can have repairs and flask and food and haste pots for raid.

    5. How long you've been playing WoW and what PvE progression you've accomplished:
    Ive been playing sense molten core days where they didnt have super addons lol ive pretty much downed everything up to ICC so me not knowing a boss fight wont happened i even know all fights in icc like ive done them all but also got my rogue back then wen Grand marshal was tight its on akama and name is linja

    6. Describe how you theorycraft your class:
    i use eliltist jerks and there spreaksheet and also take alot of advice from

    7. Occupation and living arrangements that impact raiding (family, schedule, etc):
    At the moment i go to itt-tech and its only thre days in the morning so me not coming to raid wont be an issue unless sumthing family like went down but i was always let u know what is happening if i miss a raid id be surprised myself.

    8. Guild History - where are you leaving and why:
    I was in revolution on akama alliance im so happy im horde now lol i came here cause i had acouple of friends who always wanted me to transfer and i guess i made up my mind and im here now =]

    9. How did you hear about us? List any friends/references within the guild: Tendeuce told me about u guys and to see if i can get a chance with a really well rounded guild.

    10. List your raid consumables and your method for maximizing them:
    Food buff haste pots and flasks if u dont got those u shouldnt be even here applying lol

    11. List scheduling conflicts (include times for possible weekend 10mans): There shouldnt be an issue about weekends except being on different comps cause i cant talk on vent then.

    12. Provide your raid damage/healing performance. Examples are Recount Screenshot with personal breakdown of attacks, WoW Web Stats (WWS), or World of Logs:
    I really dont record as much as i should but i shouldnt be lower than 7+ is the least iam usually doing 8k+ dps and with the gear i got i think im doing very well for myself

    13. Provide a screenshot of your UI:
    yea ull probably call me a newb i use basic ui i feel more comfortable that way if its really needed then ill show u but its basic ui.

    14. Can you take constructive criticism and being call out on mistakes (both in and out of raid)?
    Constructive criticism is needed on being a better player so no i wont have an issue on taking advice to become a better player.

    15. Final comments you feel could help your application:
    To show skill not sure if u guys think pvp is skilled i also have a shaman on akama named deeteebee with 2k+ 5s and 2k+ 3s also had 2k+ on dk on 3s so im experienced no how to play classes and no what to do when to do it.
  2. detebe

  3. Neptuno

    Sep 14, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Watching over 150 nukes sitting in the ground
  4. umaro

    Jan 27, 2010
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    how would u fix the missing hit and expertise for dw?
  5. Swiftzz

    Aug 17, 2009
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    IT Support Analyst
    Staten Island NY
    Why would you use +22 Agility when +23 Haste is a better enchant for your cloak? Expertise is important for DW Frost yours is way below the cap which means more parries from bosses resulting in a DPS loss. Also is there are reason you don't have any T10 yet? Right now your gear is way below what we are looking for in raiders. We want raiders to be able to be geared enough to jump right into progression LK + Hard Modes. 7K DPS is very low for fights like Saurfang Heroic,even for most normal mode fights. Most of our current raiders are doing 9k-10k+.
  6. detebe

    I do have tier but it isnt as good as keeping the 4piece triumph i also have a trinket that allows me expertise cap also keep in mind i did jsut switch to this spec i used to play blood so im trying to switch things up to help myself i have 2 piece of t10 but i wont be using them until i replace my gloves with wat festergut drops. All the notchs are still beign firgured out because of the 3.3 patch also if u wanna be pointing out specfic boss fights like saurfang i well be doing 9K+ i dont have to move as a melee class. Believe me everything u are saying is in the back of my head. Yes i no haste is better but like i said i jsut switched specs.

    ill also like to post somethign from eliest jerks
    32.8 rating gives you 1% hit, therefore you will require 263 hit rating (164 with Nerves of Cold Steel) or 8%, to be hit capped on special attacks. This means, contrary to what some might think DW builds actually require less hit to cap their special attacks than our two handed brothers. Special attacks include: Blood Strike, Plague Strike, Frost strike, Obliterate. (and others that we don't care about as DW)

    Spell hit cap is 17% against level 83 (boss level opponents. The talent Virulence provides 3% hit for spells, the Druid talent Improved Faerie fire, or the Shadow priest talent Misery will further reduce this requirement by 3% (Hit debuffs do not stack.) The final result brings the requirement via gear down to 11%, at which point no spell will miss. Spells include Howling blast, Icy touch and Death coil.

    White hits have a hit cap of 27%. The talent Nerves of cold steel reduces this by 3%. At this point, no white hits (or any attack for that matter) will miss. This cap is not reasonable to reach for any DK, and should not be attempted. However, keep in mind that gaining hit over the spell hit cap still has a dps value as it will allow more white damage, more blood caked blade procs, and more Killing machine procs.

    This will be your biggest DPS gain after you reach the hit cap. Since DKs have many different multipliers for strength, it works out that 1 strength ends up being woth about 2.7 AP. As all our abilities are affected by strength, this is easily the best stat for a hit-capped Death Knight to stack.

    8.2 rating gives 1 expertise; you need 214 expertise rating (26 expertise, 6.5%) to reach the cap, 5 of which is given to you freely from Tundra Stalker, bringing the required amount to attain from gear down to 21 expertise (172.2 rating). If you are a human using a sword/mace you need 18 expertise (147 rating), and if you are a dwarf using a mace or an orc using an axe you need 16 expertise (131.2 rating) to reach the cap due to racials. While not as important as the hit cap, capping expertise is still important as it will affect the majority of your damage.

    You need 45.9 crit rating to gain 1% crit at 80. Since Frost DKs have very large crit multipliers, crit is more valuable for us than some other melee classes. While it's value will be diminished because of the disappearance of 4pT9, it is still one of the most valuable stats you can acquire.

    Armor Penetration
    13.8 rating is needed to get 1% armor penetration. Surprisingly, this not as bad a stat for Frost DKs as one might initially think, especially for single-target fights due to the heavy reliance on Obliterate and white hits. Spell damage from diseases and Frost Strike still make it undesirable to stack heavily though.

    You need 25.21 baseline haste rating to gain 1% haste at 80. As a DW class with many proc based abilities, haste is more valuable for us than some other melee classes, but still not worth more than crit, strength or ArPen.

    Attack Power
    As mentioned before, all DK abilities scale off of AP. However, most stats that you will find end up being more valuable than raw AP, so it's not worth seeking it out .Note that despite AP having a 2:1 item stat budget, it is still far weaker than STR as we have no talents that boost it's effect. When comparing or considering pieces with AP vs plate, you need to look at the item stats/level as a whole.

    We need 62.08 agility to gain 1% melee crit. Crit is significantly better, as Agi doesn't affect our spell crit and converts to crit at a much slower rate. However, it is still a decent stat for DKs.

    DK with Bladed Armor get 0.027 AP per armor point. Most specs won't have BA, so they will not need to worry about this, but for those with BA, it makes plate gear just slightly more attractive than leather/mail.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 25, 2010
  7. Rael

    Oct 18, 2009
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    Lovin' yo momma
    Nawth Cahlina
    Who the F*** is PARRY cap...most melee don't dps in front of the boss.......derp
  8. detebe

    true that
  9. Neptuno

    Sep 14, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Watching over 150 nukes sitting in the ground
    While it is good to see you're in the theorycrafting, you do not have the gear needed for the level of progression we are working on. further, copy pasting a website that mentions haste not being as good as Str, Crit, or ArP doesn't answer the question of of Haste vs Agi
  10. detebe

    well thanks for taking your time to look at my app but hes my answer with agi, it gives me more crit, as opposed to slightly more haste" "the crit id get from such and such outweighs the benefit that id get from 23 haste. Didnt no he was asking me a quetion to compare those
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 25, 2010