Balmafula, Warlock

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Balmafula, Mar 10, 2010.

  1. Balmafula

    I'll use the trinket on the boss fights where I recognize I'll be able to roll corruption for the majority of the fight.

    Obviously, that implies that I do plan on getting the trinket.
  2. euclides88

    Mar 7, 2010
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    i would simply like to throw in hard numbers in what is being presented here. NMIC is roughly 200 dps higher than ROTD. As far as haste caps go for us it is pretty hard to reach given the available gear (ej does throw out at approximately 500ish haste with bloodlust as a soft cap for dots but that doesnt mean much considering shadow bolt and drain soul damage are not included in this)I would read section 3.3 of the affliction thread to get more detailed information on this
  3. Balmafula

    This is relevant to my interests, and while I read the section 3.3 a few times, it doesn't answer all my questions on the matter, reason why I still give it some thought.

    My current Haste (around 22%) already doesn't let me benefit entirely from BL or Eradication. Also, haste loses a lot of its value when you reach the point to cast DS, as it doesn't benefit from haste.

    Considering it, someone might argue that I have enough haste, and I shouldn't give it much more consideration. However, section 3.3 doesn't really touch on how haste affects Corruption via Glyph of Quick Decay. And while I'll keep stacking haste over crit, I don't plan on changing gems and enchants to replace SP for haste.

    About NMIC, I'd like to stress that this might be true only when you are taking benefit from the original cast of corruption during the majority of the fight. As soon as you're in a situation where it expires, I highly doubt it would be actually any better than ROTD. So, I consider it a good backup trinket to replace ROTD on some fights, but for the others it would be kept in my back pack. Yes, a trinket for me to farm, but I wouldn't call it an upgrade from ROTD.
  4. euclides88

    Mar 7, 2010
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    last time i checked ds was shortened by haste(try removing your gear and cast it with no haste then again with your gear on). you really only need to know that haste makes corruption tick faster via quick decay glyph. THE only time you would consider not getting any more haste is when your shadowbolt can reach near a 1 second cast time. EJ tests are done as if you were 100% perfect on everything, that includes not letting corruption tick off. You have a point however considering you should strive to reach this situation as much as humanly possible you wouldnt let your corruption fall off(true some situations such as sindragosa are simply unavoidable) however rotd mechanics are not favorable to affliction, simple as that.
  5. Balmafula

    This is correct, and I was not aware haste shortened DS (I just tested it and it in fact does). But I'm still not convinced until which point haste should be considered over SP.

    I also agree on not letting the corruption expire. It's very easy to do as soon as I know the boss fight well to a point where I can anticipate my next move, not as much on bosses that are somewhat "new" to me. This is increasingly difficult when it's needed to switch targets. On Saurfang, for example, unless you're "clipping" haunt right before blood beasts come out, corruption will probably expire while you strike them. I'm not saying that it renders NMIC useless, I just have a more careful approach to it.
  6. Balmafula

    It's been fun, but I'd like to cancel my application. Nothing personal, I just changed my mind, as I don't think I'm the kind of material you're looking for. Also, I don't think you have what I'm looking for either, so I would end up not fitting in even if accepted.

    So, sorry if I accidentally wasted everyone's time, good luck with your recruitment.

    This whole application thing reminded me of one of my all-time favorite movies.