So I got an email from fileplanet yesterday. Apparently IGN subscribers can get into a 'top secret' beta for a game on the 360. The beta starts this Monday. They don't tell you what game it's for, but my money would be on Halo: Reach. Here's the link if anyone's interested.
Probably Halo. I mean what else is there on Xbox besides Halo anyway? Oh Gears and that game was a fucking disgrace.
Reach is on the 3rd of may I believe it's not much of a big secret it's announced on the xbox 360 dashboard when you turn on the system, and not sure what blur is, but im bout 98% sure its not reach
Reach is not a "top secret" beta you can get into it by just buying a copy of ODST and having the disk with you. The disk they give you with ODST also has halo3 and the new maps. The beta might be Dead space 2 and if it is your a lucky man.
Skate 2 was legit, and skate 3 is out in what... 7 days? I can't wait. Madden 10 and NHL 10 were both excellent as well I might add
Now why the fuck would a piece of shit like Blur be considered "ZOMG TOP SEEKRIT!!!1" "TOP" secret? Seriously? Has it come to that? I could understand secret, but top?? Fuck you, Xbox. You too, IGN.