Falling - Holy Paladin

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Falling, Feb 23, 2010.

  1. Falling

    1. Character Name, Class, and Main Spec: Falling, Paladin, Holy

    2. Armory Link (and talent choices explained):
    I went mainly went for crit and healing in my talent spec, I can and will change it to better the raid, it works for me and how I heal but again changeable.

    3. Age (18 is required with limited exceptions): 19 almost 20

    4. List your current professions and describe how they help when raiding:
    Blacksmithing has been my Profession for The entirety of my WoW Career, I use BS for money making and gear.
    I recently picked up JC last night, almost to max, very close, that will help out with JC cuts, and money making.

    5. Time playing WoW and PvE progression: Ive played since Vanilla, TBC, WoTLK. Ive done all the PvE progression I can, Ive been up to Blood Queen with my current guild.

    6. Describe your method for theorycrafting your class: I dont usually Theorycraft anything about what I do on WoW, basically I get in there Heal the crap out of what im told to do, and a little more depending on what damage is being taken, and try my best to do what needs to be done, I dont overcomplicate this game to much.

    7. Occupation and living arrangements that impact raiding (family, classes, dorm, night shifts etc): I live with my wife Ladonna, I work a weird schedule if accepted, I can make my days off to fit the raid schedule so I can make them.

    8. Guild you are leaving and why (If you join another guild without following up here, application will be closed): Im leaving the alliance, Ive been one for the many years ive been playing, and figure its time for a change, Nothing against Eclipse amazing people just thought change would be nice.

    9. How did you hear about us? List any friends/references within the guild: Reputation would be a better reference, you have one on the alliance side for being ruthless in raiding, and pardon my french Whores, pvping, so thought Id give it a go. : )

    10. List consumables you bring to raid: Flask of the Frost Wyrm, Runic Mana Potions, Runescroll of Fortitude, Flask of Stoneblood, Fish Feast, Runic Health Potions, Random gems and enchants in the event I need em.

    11. Any Scheduling conflicts (consider possible weekend groups for 10mans): Nah I should be good, if anything Ill find out 2 - 3 days in advance if anything comes up.

    12. Provide measure of your damage/healing such as Recount (Screenshot to include player breakdown of attack %'s), WoW Web Stats (WWS), or World of Logs listing: I dont have any right now, if you can give me till wed. to get one posted Ill be glad to do so, I have a 25man ICC raid and Ill SS my recount or something for you guys : )

    13. Provide a UI screenshot:

    Thats what it is right now, been thinking about doing a complete overhaul so I might have to repost one here soon if i decide to.

    14. Final comments you feel could help your application: Well Im an older style Paladin, Ive tried Healing Addons, (Vuhdo, Clique, Healbot) I just truthfully couldnt heal better then click and heal that ive been attuned to for many years now. and of course im Joining the Horde how cool is that?
  2. Ologhai

    Jun 23, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Prot spec looks a bit different than what I'd expect, do you actually use it?
  3. Neptuno

    Sep 14, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Watching over 150 nukes sitting in the ground
    could you outline your schedule constraints and what you would expect to work if you adjusted to meet our raid week? how flexible would that be to adjust to 10 mans or staying late for raids etc
  4. Fredsavage

    Jan 5, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Edmonton, Canada
    Gear looks pretty decent, I only see one issue with it and that is the Nightmare Tear in the pants. If you were to switch it to the helm you could grab another 9sp out of it. You basically have the same spec I use when I play Holy on Tunasaladin, except I put the extra point in LoH since Blessed Life is basically useless, and Improved Might > Judgements. However since we have two ret paladins in guild that is just personal preference.

    It may be more beneficial for you to spec party wall for some encounters (as a healer I know it makes the Blood Queen second phase trivial). His gear looks fairly close to where Screw was at before he took a break, so if making raids consistently isn't a problem for him then Falling seems like a good option for us if Screw isn't coming back.
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2010
  5. Rael

    Oct 18, 2009
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    Lovin' yo momma
    Nawth Cahlina
    Why the quick transition from joining Eclipse to apping elsewhere?
  6. Falling

    I only generally use my prot spec for Heroics really, havent had a need to use it for raiding but on occasional battles were Im not needed as a healer, I will switch into it for a small period of time.

    Basically on my times right now I have Tues, Wed, off right now, but I asked for those days off for Eclipse raid times, and for 10mans, With my job ive been there long enough that if I ask for it, it is given, so if accepted I can move my schedule around anyway needed to be available for raids and 10man at any point in time.

    if I were to move the Nightmare tear I would just replace it with a +20 int gem, thats all I ever socket with, I found it more useful with my current healing spec (which can be changed around) and the stats such as the Crit, and SP that I have from the gear I have with all my CD's I can keep sustained healing with Mana regen, for all fights that I have been through.

    And as for the quick transition I joined Eclipse because the GM Huckleberry had requested me to join in, with my time here on Sargeras, I have gotten to know all of the top end Raiding Guild Masters, Darksoul - Brain Damage, Huckleberry - Eclipse, and Sidh - Valiant, When I left Sargeras Bar and Grill for Personal reason's He wanted me to come in to Eclipse and heal for him, I said that was fine. I had all intentions of staying till I decided I wanted to join the Horde for something different, from what I was use to. Nothing went wrong with Eclipse or anything I made there times for raids and 10mans all the time, just wanted something different is all.
  7. Fredsavage

    Jan 5, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Edmonton, Canada
    I understand you would replace it with a 20 int gem, however since you're not getting a socket bonus from your pants anyway you could put a 20 int gem in there and the Nightmare in your helmet, thus giving you the socket bonus (9sp) from that.
  8. Falling

    Oh ok yah I can do that tonight totally didnt see that one >.< Thank you for showing me that.
  9. Falling

    kk switch em out, Thank you again for the advice : )
  10. r3d3

    Aug 10, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Edmonton, Alberta
    My concern with this app is that you might decide you "want something different" again and leave us high and dry like you're doing with Eclipse. We're interested in reliability as much as skill and gear; I think our roster of Tuesday raiders and people who might flake out at a moment's notice is already full. If I've mischaracterized your reason for leaving Eclipse (and the guilds before that), please correct me.
  11. Falling

    Im not flaking on them at all, Ill have to elaborate a little bit better i guess, a couple weeks ago, My wife was in a Car accident that caused her to lose are Baby that she was carrying, I took a few days off from everything, work, family, and WoW I had missed quite a bit of the raid days for Eclipse after that point, I had everyday to be there, I was there I would join in, but some comments were made from an officer in particular that said I was Flakey, Im not flakey by any means, I had some RL issues that WoW took a backburner, He didnt understand or he was an Asshat for thinking I would play WoW when these event transpired, He was incorrect, even though I was mad I still kept comin. got into the raids, but after that point I decided to Go to the Horde side, find something better for me, and my wife is also decideing to go with me to the Horde side, both of us, have been playing well since Vanilla, now this isnt by any means a 2 for 1 deal its just me apping if she decideds to want to app and she gets in thats all well in good.

    That is a better explanation on why Im leaving Eclipse and joining the Horde and hopefully joining XOO, Before I joined Sargeras, I was on Andorhal and ran the #1 alliance guild on there as the GM, Flaming Bunnies, I decided to leave that server because it became increasingly harder and harder to find quality players, and left with my wife's toon also. and Came here, I was the GM of that guild for almost 4 years, so there isnt an issue of Flaking and finding something better when I join a guild i generally stay for quite a long time.
  12. Neptuno

    Sep 14, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Watching over 150 nukes sitting in the ground
    I swear, our holy paladins have it worse than the superman curse...

    the spot you would be considered for was supposed to be a temporary absence only with the listed time ending tomorrow. if we have not heard back from him at that point, his spot will become open longer term.

    obviously, we support competition among raid spots, but we wouldn't want you to be screwed on a spot should he remove the need by coming back tonight or something. we should have a definitive answer before the end of the raid lockout.
  13. Falling

    I have no worries about anything, just let me know :) Ill be Horde by Friday, so if you havent posted it by then just find me in Game : )
  14. Falling

    Well I am now a BE Paladin same name as before Falling in game!
  15. Lime

    May 4, 2009
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    Network Engineering
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    Accepted for trial. Welcome to XoO. Don't forget to sign up for forum access!