Ok so iv been running on a EVGA Nvidia 9800 GTX+ Superclocked Edition for quite some time now, and im looking to upgrade to a stronger card for upcoming games, AKA BFBC2, 1943, Global Agenda, So on my price range is right around 200-250 dollers. Sofar the card thats caught my eye with best 3dmark scores for the price is the ATI 4890, Scoring about 3000 more marks than my 9800. Now what im interested in is some good help on choosing a new card. Sofar, On newegg, XFX brand of the card. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150438 And Bestbuy.com Visiontek version of the same card Overclocked http://www.bestbuy.com/site/VisionT...02684.p?id=1218099649326&skuId=9402684&st=ATI 4890&cp=1&lp=1 Is the visiontek a better buy? this should be a nice sized upgrade from the 9800 right? Are there any other cards in my price range that score better? Please provide me some real answers, and no nvidia/ati fanboy stuff. Im looking for Answers based on preformance, not who likes the color green or red more. lol.
wait for the new nvidia cards to come out ... im using the same 9800+GTX Super clocked from Evga and am having no problems playing any games with good high settings (mayba arma II haha) if you wait a bit longer some cards will drop in price or maybe get a deal on the new gen cards
oh yeah ... why not just grab another 9800gtx+ and SLI em? I was looking into doing that set up untill next gen came out too
I lack a SLI mobo, and yeh Arma 2 was abit werid for me as well, didnt know if it was me or server side, Baced on waiting for "New" Nvidia cards, Ill prolie never have more than 200 to spend on a card.
2 ati 5870 cards gg. or you can stil stick with one card its still a beast either way. one of the card will cost you 379. if you riwlling to push your budget that high. Should last you for quite a while.
just wait for the next generation nvidia cards. If nothing else, those will probably drive the price of the ATI 5000 series down.
Just a quick question since your response saying your board can't do SLI caught my eye. When you did your 3dmark test, was your GPU your bottleneck? I'd have to think that it might be elsewhere considering what you said. Also, unless you've RMA'd your card I thought the 9800's were still on the Step Up list for EVGA, which would make getting any other brand rather silly.
The 4890 is basically 1 step up on the food chain. You could go with a 4850x2 or a GTX 285 depending on the budget.
This is what I've been trying to do. Still using my 8800gt 512 heh, and its been fine (got it overclocked just a bit though) Although I haven't played many current games other than Aion (and it ran just fine). Hopefully the new cards will drive the current GTX series down, or if nVidia all goes to hell (which I hope not) I'll probably swap over to ATI, which I have NO clue about really.