I did a search for it, but didnt see anything being talked about it. I stumbled upon xcom on one of those demo cds that come with gamers mag's and just loved it. The older ones were turn based and when Apoc came out, you could toggle real time I was just curious if it was on anyone's top 20 list =)
The original X-com UFO defence was one of the best games I ever played.. still one of my favorites.. everyone now and again I risk getting ill from the super mouse speed to play it ROFL.
That's funny, I have a couple of guys who have been talking about it, and they're saying I should play it, and ... well ... yeah I have pretty little idea what to expect. Hm.
UFO Defense and Terror from the Deep are still amazing games. I have UFO Defense on Steam (it's really cheap) and I still play it because it's still amazing. X-Com Apocalypse was absolute trash compared to UFO Defense and TFTD.
Sirius play it... it is hands down one of the best games ever made the graphics are of course in today's world crap but it was the first true line of sight game. It scared the crap out of you... it was awesome.
Yeah, it's amazing how well the game creates a suspenseful atmosphere. Reasons UFO Defense and TFTD are amazing: -Perfect Atmosphere -Challenging -Well done turn-based strategy -Well done macro strategy (base management, keeping nations happy, research and production management)
I ended up buying the collectors edition a while back all I really played was Apoc tho. I liked the real time a little too much =P I missed out on the Steam sale. I think it was like ALL the xcom games for like 5 bucks
Ya that is a really old game, I played it years ago. It was a fun game, haven't heard that game being talked about forever too!