old member application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by anml, Nov 1, 2009.

  1. anml

    Before I enter in the template, I would like to mention that I was once in XoO main approximately.. well, a little over two years ago. I left the scene when school got in the way, and have found a sudden craving to start playing GW again and PvP a bit. It doesn't seem like too many members from back then still play...

    1) Why are you interested in joining XoO:Guild Wars?

    When I was in XoO previously, I had an amazing time playing with all of the people from the various divisions in whatever activities I participated in. I received help from several people, aided people whenever I could, and felt rewarded when (with the majority of the members at the time) a member would simply say thank you, and request assistance in the future. It lets you know you left an impact on someone, regardless if it is a game or not.

    2) In Game Names(s)?

    I Am A Net Spy, I Am A Net Spy Jr are my mains. Monk/Ranger

    3) How long have you been playing GW?

    Over four years. My current account is 50 months old.

    4) Which Campaign(s) do you own/planning to purchase?

    I only own the first three titles, seeing as I quit before EotN came out, but I am going to purchase EotN once I get some spare money together to buy it.

    5) What style of play do you prefer (e.g. pvp, pve, both)?

    a) What kinds of activities are you interested in?

    Whatever anyone wants me to play. I enjoy missions (ran a lot of elite missions with the OLD DF guild, some old XoO members with names I cannot remember). But I really just go with whatever spontaneously seems important. Do I need faction? items? or if a guildy needs help, I usually put up whispers in the alliance chat, and do whatever needs doing.

    b) Please list any accomplishments you may have earned.

    Well, before I accidentally deleted the wrong toon, I had Champion and Legendary Survivor on my monk, but I accidentally deleted it when I was drunk trying to get a new character slot to flag run in my last GvG as a XoO member at the time.

    c) What will you contribute to the guild? How will you improve our guild and be a valued member?

    I contribute wherever possible. I am not implying that I wish this, however, I typically make a mark and am promoted because of my proactive attitude and willingness to help wherever I can. I just like to get things done, work with efficiency, and help others wherever possible.

    d) What are you good at? What builds/professions do you usually play? What weaknesses do you find yourself having?

    I consider myself above competent with all classes, however, I find myself most playing either my Monk or Ranger. Maybe a little warrior in there. I <3 heals.

    6) Country?


    a) Timezone? (GMT+/-)

    Eastern, GMT -5

    b) Normal Play-times? (e.g. M-F, weekends, etc)

    M-F, evenings, excluding Tuesday nights after 6 PM ET

    c) Best time to contact In-Game?

    Whenever :)

    7) How did you hear about us? (please include any member referrals)

    Was a former member. I can't forgot you guys that easily! Had some great times :)

    8) Any special cares/concerns?

  2. Radicus Flame

    Jun 27, 2008
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    Computer Retail & DJ
    I've added you to my friends list, so please let me know when you're ready to come over to XoO.

    Welcome back!