1. Age (18+ Requirement):34 2. Name (Forum & IGN):SPITFIRE/Whitespirit 3. Location + Timezone:UK/GMT+0 4. Class:Spiritmaster 5. Do you have vent and a mic? yes 6. Previous gaming experience:Many years online gaming mainly rf.Been gaming since my first comp 1984 lol 7. Why did you chose XoO:Already active member of Xoo on rf 8. Do you have a referal?:Eskara & ish both know me together with alot of other Erf players 9. What will you contribute to the guild? my good looks & good team play. Dont know alot about Aion only been playing for about 2 weeks on & off but soon learn 10. A little bit about yourself: Mad gamer, Mad dad, Luv many different inverts, Gm for Erf atm. 11. Activity Level? (hrs/week): Wouldnt like to say but i am active. I flick between gaming on Erf being gm on Erf and playing Aion. I do spend alot hours dailly gaming so this should not be an issue. 12. Applied to usergroup? Both Erf & Aion
yes i thought it was strange m8 but i was told i needed too so i take it app accepted lolz P.S good to hear from you m8y your well missed. I take it this is where you been hiding then m8y Might sound daft question but if no need to apply then how to become Xoo within Aion(remember im new to this game lolz)
well, the "need" for an application may not exist, but an application is a good way for the officers to see you outside of just the forum section or in the game. i'd try to find one in-game though, tell them you're already XoO, point them here if needed, and win.
thats the thing, im already a Xoo member in erf and i know alot of the players in Aion. What i dont know however is how to apply in game to Xoo. Rf was simple to apply but i havnt sussed it yet on Aion lol. Well im sure it all come soon
Its mainly because you hadnt been with teh RF guys long before most of us stopped playing. Also so we know what class you are playing etc. PM me on Eskara in game or River (Insho) and we can invite you to the legion. You should also now have members access to the forums so make sure you read the stickies in the Aion EU section.