Zixan - Shaman

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Zixan, Mar 20, 2013.

  1. Zixan

    Zixan Member

    WoW (NA) (Sargeras)
    Character Name
    What is your class?
    What is your main spec?
    Please link your WoW Armory informationExplain your talent selection (theorycrafting source, specialization choices etc)
    Currently I am running with Echo of the Elements and Elemental Blast for the majority of fights. I would prefer to use Unleashed Fury for a multiple of reasons, but I do enjoy the slightly increased complication of Elemental Blast.

    I have discontinued using Elemental Mastery, as I am using a trinket that has a similar effect. Stacking the two of them could result in too many casts below GDC cap. I chose Echo of the Elements, as it acts as a 6% (effectively 7.5 to 8%) Mastery. It is best as a shaman to balance all of the secondaries. In the current expansion, none of the stats are worth stacking to extreme values.

    Elemental Blast is mainly chosen due to its Direct Damage being so high. The bonus of 3500 of a secondary stat will begin to relatively devalue as I gain more Intellect. "relatively" refers to Unleashed Fury increasing damage by a percentage, which benefits intellect more. Intellect is almost always more than twice the value of any of my secondaries.

    I could continue for days as to how Elemental Shaman has a higher skill cap than most realize. In short, there are a lot of very minor differences that add up to increasing dps a considerable amount.

    Totemspot has really been the only source for up to date information, but it has been slowly loosing playerbase for a while now. I have mainly been doing a lot of math and calculations on my own, and fact checking it with theories from sites like totemspot. I am a very analytic and math intensive person, and this has helped me tremendously in min/maxing.
    What is your age?
    What are your current professions and their raid benefit?
    Enchanting and Inscription.

    They both have static +320 Intellect. I would use a Tailoring for a more potential damage, (saving rotational spells for intellect bonuses) but Elemental's rotation is too based on RNG to plan ahead like that. The solid +320 Intellect assures that if I get a rush in damage, it will not go without my profession bonuses.
    How long have you been playing WoW and what PvE progression accomplishments have you made?
    Unfortunately, I was not thrusted into WoW until mid Cataclysm. I remember getting to level 20 or so during Burning Crusade, but didn't continue, because "it was so boring." I played Guild Wars, because it was easy to get to level cap, and think that I was good. Playing World of Warcraft has taught me the value of expertise.

    Raiding wise, I started in Firelands. No stranger to Video Games, and RPG games with similar combat styles to WoW, I picked it up quickly. I raided with my best two IRL friends of mine. One of which a top 5 raider up until Cataclysm. He essentially taught me the true depth into the classes, and how the spells I see are just the tip of the iceberg.

    Unfortunately, I do not have any accomplishments that I feel merit my dedication and hard work. I have progress to a level of raiding beyond what I am currently doing. I grow tired of my raiding consisting wiping to people standing in fire. Literally and metaphorically. I would much like to progress faster and more effectively.
    Describe how you theorycraft your class (websites, spreadsheets, etc)
    As a caster, a large portion of my theorycrafting revolves around Damage per Execute Time. Tools that I use include Simluation craft, but mainly to obtain average damage that a spell deals. It is difficult to calculate every possible buff I may get throughout a fight. If comparing two spells against each other, I normally use Wowhead.com to see how much it is scales with spell power, and apply appropriate secondary stats using coefficients and what not. I am a very mathematical person, and I apply that religiously.
    Occupation and living arrangements that impact raiding (family, schedule, etc)
    I don't have anything that could interfere at the moment. I do work, but have no night hours.
    List scheduling conflicts (include times for possible weekend 10mans)
    Right now I only have commitments for 9-4 M-F.
    Guild History - where are you leaving and why
    Right now I only have commitments for 9-4 M-F.
    How did you hear about us? List any friends/references within the guild
    I don't have any references, unfortunately. I heard about you mainly on wowprogress, and seeing players around game.
    List your raid consumables and your method for maximizing them
    Mogu Fish Stew is my 300 int food. I use it only for progression. It is an expensive food. otherwise, I have both 275 int food, and non stat for for recovering stats.

    I use Flask of Warm Sun for 1000 static intellect, and Potion of the Jade Serpent for a burst of 4000 intellect. This is very powerful for Elemental, as we scale very strongly from Intellect. I am sure to stack this with as much as I can. Prepot is a VITAL part of my damage across an entire fight, as many of my proc effects all push my Ascendance to no limit.
    Provide your raid damage/healing performance. Examples are Recount Screenshot with personal breakdown of attacks, WoW Web Stats (WWS), or World of Logs
    For whatever reason, my guild is very picky about what logs go where. Consequently, some of my attempts are not on WoL.


    Provide a screenshot of your UI.Can you take constructive criticism and being call out on mistakes (both in and out of raid)?
    Final comments you feel could help your application
    Well if I had known this was here, I would have saved some from other boxes! :)

    I would love to answer any question one might have!

    I did have to reload the page to submit the application. I lost all the text fields when doing so. I was smart enough to duplicate the tab, though. I simply copied each text box over. I might have mixed one up. :)
    Have you applied to the WoW usergroup?
  2. Looks solid to me, I'll make sure Zath takes a look tonight so we can get back to you with a definitive answer. The only question I have is do you also have a restoration set and have you played it before?
  3. Looks good to me. Can you be online to chat with us tonight?
  4. Accepted.