Zezalot's Application

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by Zezalot, Feb 2, 2014.

  1. Zezalot

    Zezalot Veteran

    WildStar Application
    How old are you?
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a working microphone?
    Typically, can you commit to events that run from 8PM-11PM EST?
    What times are you availible to play? Be specific and include your timezone.
    Depends on when im working and not doing anything irl. But usually from 3pm to 10pm
    How many hours do you anticipate playing per week, on average?
    What is your anticipated Character Class?
    Ranger / Mage
    What is your anticipated playstyle (DPS,Healer, or Tank)?
    What is your MMO experience and what progression have you experienced in those games? Please be as detailed as possible
    Played MMOs since UO. But i can put a quick list of betas and games ive played.

    L2 (+beta)
    Guildwars (+beta)
    Wow (+beta)
    Darkfall (+beta+ was xoo allianec, DFwA(WMD)
    TERA (+beta + was in xoo tera)
    and a ton of more games.
    Are you willing to put in the time and effort researching your class in order to maximize your characters in-game abilities? This includes researching the most effective specs, talents, and strategies.
    How do you feel about progression raiding?
    Dont mind it as long its organised.
    How do you feel about PvP?
    I pref. pvp over pve.
    Are you able to dedicate 2-3 nights and 2-3 hours on each of those nights per week to guild specific functions?
    Do you plan on playing any other MMO while playing WildStar Online?
    Have you been a part of any other Xen of Onslaught division? If so, which ones and do you have anyone who would recommend you?
    Tera Online div.
    Im from WMD (Weapons of Mass Destuction, specwar and tactical leader for WMD in DFO and other games)
    Referred by?
    Have you read the WildStar Division Information thread and agree to abide by the guidelines within?
    Certify that you have requested to join the WildStar Permissions Group (availible by editing your profile) by selecting YES.
  2. Itherael

    Itherael Banned

    Can you please pick a few MMORPGs that you played seriously and give me a summary of your accomplishments in those games?
  3. Itherael

    Itherael Banned

    I'm out of town at the moment, so Dref will be following up with additional questions.
  4. Dref

    Dref Member

    Thanks for applying! We have a few questions about your application.
    1. What timezone are you in? (Eastern, Central, Mountain, Pacific, other)
    2. The classes you chose are not in the game. But it sounds like you would be interested in Esper (most similar to a mage) or Engineer (most similar to a hunter).
    3. For the question "Are you able to dedicate 2-3 nights and 2-3 hours on each of those nights per week to guild specific functions?" you selected "No". Is there a particular reason? It seems to go against your available time.
  5. Itherael

    Itherael Banned

    Please respond within 48 hours otherwise I will consider your application closed. Thanks.
  6. Zezalot

    Zezalot Veteran

    Sorry for the late reply. Was out of town.

    Well im playing from Denmark, Europe so that would be GMT +1.
    I'd play either the Esper or the Engineer or Im good with any class and i can play the class the guild needs.
    I have a job where i dont "control" my work time. Some days, i work 14-16 hours while some i work maybe 5. So depended on how busy the restaurant is and i have no plans to do. Thats when im playing.

    Serious mmorpg accomplishment?
    I started playing UO, was one of the first tamer having a 7x white wyrm and had one of the most deadly pker around . BSURII
    Ive played with WMD, Weapons of Mass Destruction (US guild) the past 10 years. First game was ShadowBane, where we was on Death server, playing with LoD.
    Top 3 guild on wow, Archimonde, back in the days. Grand Marshal title for Pvp.
    Top 3 pvp guild in Lineage 2, Kain. Prelude C1 - 2nd highest spellhowler.
    Guild Wars 1, we kept the king of the hill for 7hours+ without losing it.
    PlanetSide II, had the top platoon and squad.
    Darkfall Online, Weapons of Mass Destruction, DFwA alliance, leading the scout team.

    Ive played MMO's since 1997-98, I must admit that my "great" days of mmo's are gone after i got a fiance and a souschef in a michelin starred restaurant. I'm just trying to find some free time to still have abit fun.

    So with all respect, I do understand if i dont live up to your request, but you wouldnt regret having me around when im on :)
  7. Itherael

    Itherael Banned

    Thanks for following up. When would you be available to chat in TeamSpeak?
  8. Itherael

    Itherael Banned

    I believe that you could be a valuable member of the division, but I am going to deny your application because you've not followed through with the application process.