Zegai's Application

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Zegai, Jan 3, 2011.

  1. Zegai

    Zegai Guest

    TERA Online Application
    How old are you?
    In-Game Name?
    Do you have Teamspeak 3 and a mic?
    What is your primary class?
    Why did you choose XoO:
    A professional website and image are usually good signs, and that's what caught my attention. Gaming is important to me, and I function best when I'm with like-minded players. I didn't get the impression that this was a gank squad, or a bunch of immature gamers that think they're better than they are. I think I'm a good fit for you, and that you're exactly what I'm looking for in a clan. It's important to hit the ground running with a game launch, and this pre-launch time is the best chance to get to know eachother and make plans.
    Previous Gaming Experience:
    FFXI ~1 year
    -> This was so long ago... bear with me on the details. It was my first mmo, I think I left as a lvl 60 blm (character name was Elih, I don't remember which server). I had leveled whm and rdm to around 45-50 too. I had to quit when I left for college.
    Sword of the New World (Granado Espada) ~2 years
    -> Ahh yes, I remember this… it was a black hole for my free time, and where most of my experience comes from. I started out in a small social clan, ended up as vice in what would be the top clan in the server for well over a year. If there's interest I can elaborate over vent/teamspeak, or in a post, but I can tend to get a little wall of texty, so I'll skip that part. My character name was Leviathon, my server was Orpesia, and my clan name was Citadel. Yes, Orpesia was the pve server, but I didn't know I liked pvp until I tried it, I swear! And by then it didn't seem worth it to switch servers. I got a hefty dose of pvp every week with clan wars, and I'd constantly pvp with the clan leader and other members that had similar gear as myself. The game was very gear heavy, and I could (and did) steamroll a bunch of other players at the same level just because I had top raid gear, so we tended to find ways of pvping on a pve server just to make things more fun. As far as raids go, right before I left the game, we were about 1-2 weeks from downing Novia, and had done every other raid except for Sekhmet (IIRC it still hasn't been done). The clan leader and myself would usually go into the next raid in line and do testing and we'd be the ones to theorycraft and figure out strategies, then take clannies in. We had about 75 active members typically, and the clan was run quite smoothly if I do say so myself. I also tended to be the one that handled most of the drama from other clans, even though I ended up being good at it, it's not a role I wish to focus on ever ever again. I organized a server-wide effort to take down Gatekeeper - which more or less involved about 150 players on the server IIRC, and after we lagged out, the clan leader and myself did some more testing, and we ended up downing him with about 12 players in an unsportsmanlike amount of time (we were the first ones to do it, other than the Koreans, but they had the content months before us :p). I left the game along with the clan leader after another vice encouraged us to gear up certain players, then left the clan and they followed. Members on both sides ended up quitting, the game really lost its appeal, and that was that. It wasn't a /ragequit, it just wasn't fun any more and I felt a little too betrayed to keep at it … we were good in game friends.

    To summarize:
    I have a lot of experience in theorycrafting/strategizing, I'm more than capable of running a raid and more than capable of convincing other clan members that yes, indeed, it's time to go raid so make sure you're on at X time. As far as pvp experience goes, my time here wasn't incredibly impressive because it was a pve server and gear was ridiculously important, so it was almost too easy for me. But when I'd duel with the few others (constantly) that were similarly geared, I was certainly no pushover.
    Aion ~ a few months
    -> My character was also Leviathon, and I played on Yustiel. If my memory is correct, I was a 46 chanter. I played from CBT and grinded up fairly fast in launch. I thought I would love the game, but the pvp elements I loved the most were broken (fortress battles and whatnot), the grind was doable but ridiculous, and my server was empty. I wasn't in Aion too long, but spent most of my time pvping and doing whatever raids were doable at the time and at my level.
    FFXIV ~ oh good god... the horror.
    -> My character was SloppyJoe and I was on Gysahl. So many things went wrong here I don't even know where to begin. I joined a hardcore clan months before launch, got to know people, talked about the game, strategized, tested the best way to level and craft and whatever else you could think of from CBT to launch, and then a week after launch... the leaders decide the grind is too much and they left for WoW. A lot of the other members left soon after... and they had picked the Oceanic server for us, which was largely JP populated and they more or less wanted nothing to do with us. Nevertheless, I grinded furiously with the few remaining clannies, but the game's flaws really hit home and with the severe lack of players, gameover.
    I also played Vanguard for a few months, Darkfall for about a week or 2, LOTRO for a few months, and Guild Wars for a short while back in the day, but this was hardly worth mentioning.
    Why do you think you'll be a good fit?
    I play a lot, I play well, my ego is in check, and I'm quite easy to get along with.

    To pre-empt likely questions, some of my past gaming experience may look like I jump around and that I can't commit to a game/clan, but I'll clarify that that's not the case. I don't get the slightest impression that you guys will end up being like my ffxiv clan, and as long as 90% of the clan doesn't quit the game, and the game isn't as horrible as ffxiv, I'll be in Tera for a good long while.

    To address any questions about pvping, it's true, I don't have years of experience in games like EVE, but I've pvp'd enough in Aion and Sword of the new world to know that I enjoy it, and am relatively good at it. Yes, I love raiding, but that just means I'll make sure we don't slack on that front… not that I won’t want to pvp.
    What will you contribute to the guild?
    Some of this will be repeat info from my ramble above, but I was vice in a top raiding guild for over a year, I'm good at theorycrafting and strategizing, I make sure I'm leveled, geared, and ready for raids/pvping, and I make sure that I help my clannies with the same. I plan on getting alchemy to max for consumables so I can be in top shape as a healer and make sure clannies can keep themselves up with potions if they're silly enough to go anywhere without me. The implication there was that I have no problem supplying clan members with needed crafting items if it's my craft. With that said, this is just my plan at the moment, if multiple people already plan on this craft, it’s not an issue switching to something else, I’m flexible.
    Do you have a referral?
    A little bit about yourself?
    I'm a grad student in Boulder CO right now, getting my masters in a few months. I spend my free time in the mountains - hiking, showshoeing, xcountry skiing, and I recently got into running marathons. I'm a vegetarian, I like good beer, and yes ... grammar is important.

    I have almost zero skill with computers and websites, but I have a good rig and know enough about computers to function as a serious gamer.

    I don’t use exploits, and expect the same from my clannies. Yes, I’ll judge you.

    If you haven't noticed yet, when I post on forums, I can be a little verbose. But I'm less long-winded and more entertaining in vent/teamspeak, promise.
    Activity level?
    ~45 ... usually 5hrs during weekdays, 10+ on weekends. My playtime will probably be up a good deal around launch and shortly thereafter to get ahead
    Do you have a high speed internet connection and a good computer?
    Have you applied to the TERA usergroup?
  2. Jarien

    Jarien Veteran Crowfall Member

    1 requirement we have right now is that you need to play in the KOBT for Tera with us. This costs about 15$ US to get in. Are you willing to do this in order to be in XoO?
  3. Zegai

    Zegai Guest

    That's not a problem. I might be out of town around the 11th though, so I might not be able to start up until the 12th or 13th. I'll know more definitively in a day or two. If that's an issue I'm willing to wait and get to know people in vent/teamspeak first.
  4. Jarien

    Jarien Veteran Crowfall Member

    Nope that's cool just as long as you have an account to start up on the 12th or 13th. I'll send ya a PM.
  5. Jarien

    Jarien Veteran Crowfall Member
