Your rants!

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by Dread, Aug 1, 2010.

  1. Dread

    Dread Guest

    Whatever you want to rant about! Go on and do it!

    I hate iTunes.
    I hate when I go on and try to look up a band I consider decent, and mainstream.
    For example I looked up Mushroomhead, a fairly mainstream metal band, and they only had 3 of their like, 6 albums.
    And for that matter, they were the particularly mainstream ones. One album that sounded like Nickelback, one album that was too much like Slipknot, and one album that was just meh...
    Can't you iTunes people do your research enough to know that their best music is their early stuff?

    And for that matter, why is slipknot's music more expensive than any other band?

    And I download a song on my iPhone on the go, because I am out a lot. And then I get home and want to put it on my goddamn computer but it won't let me. I bought the song! RAAAGE!

    Oh and also...
  2. Vapor

    Vapor Tera Troll

    OMG...there's gonna be some drama in this thread. I actually like drama as long as it's not negative drama :)
  3. MrMakuto

    MrMakuto Guest

    I was at a nightclub last night, sober because I was driving. I got offered drinks like FIVE times! FIVE TIMES! Which i had to politely turn down.

    An outraged, I hardly ever have people buying me drinks before!

    Thats my rage ;)!
  4. Vapor

    Vapor Tera Troll

    What gender were the buyers?
  5. MrMakuto

    MrMakuto Guest

    Both girls and mates offering!
  6. I hate people.
    I hate when you go to the grocery store people move so slow. It's like get the fuck out of the way.
    I hate yogurt with fruit at the bottom. Stir that shit up.
    I hate when you go to see a movie and someone sits right next to you. You have the whole damn theater why did you have to sit your fat ass next to me.
    I hate that people try to act awesome when their not. I'm awesome, you're not.
    I hate people with big egos. Excluding myself.
    I hate the smurfs. You're blue, wtf.
    I hate democracy. It sucks.
    I hate people who believe that we are all going to die in 2012. You're stupid.
    I hate this thread, because I didn't make it.
  7. Frostyx

    Frostyx Veteran

    I hate sunday drivers on a thursday.
    I hate solitude being broken.
    I hate enforced silences.
    I hate people who think that you have to make a film version of a book and add a feckin love scene in to it.
    I hate people who make films from books and miss all the good things out.
    I hate people who tell you how to play a game or character that they have never even bothered trying to play as if they are a font of all knowledge, when in the words of metallica (or in the vain of at least) "All you know is what you hear, and you only hear yourself" - The empty can rattles the most.
    I hate when games are compared to WoW, and I especially hate it when in their first 3 months of playing all you ever hear is "WoW does this better, WoW does that better", its not frickin WoW, get over it you fanboi!

    I hate the fact that I have done these on 1 post and I could have spaced them over a week and got several +1 posts...
  8. Oh, you.
  9. Arimil

    Arimil Veteran Admin


    Also, another epic post from Doc. He's my favorite forum troll (sorry Lime).
  10. I hate people who can't drive.
    I hate not getting a P-zone from Pizza Hut and it's not 1 lb.
    I hate Pizza Hut.
    I hate cats, and the play.
    I hate plays, watch a movie.
    I hate that the Firefly series was canceled.
    I hate facebook.
    I hate people on facebook.
    I hate you if you're on facebook.
    I hate handicap parking spots.
    I hate handicap people. What makes you special?
    I hate that AT&T has not released the song they used for their Blackberry Torch commercial. Dicks.

    I hate that this thread was on the second page. WTF?!
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2010
  11. I hate it when I am telling a story and then someone walks in on the tail end and says "what?" So you have to repeat it again.
  12. I hate people at my door..
    on my phone...
    on the roads...
    at the store...
    only place I like at the clubs

    so party MORE!!!!!
  13. I hate it when someone speeds up to pass you then goes super slow.
  14. dusanyu

    dusanyu Veteran

    When someone says that something tastes like shit or ass, what is their point of reference to make such a statement?
  15. Vapor

    Vapor Tera Troll

    ~ I hate people that criticize or ridicule another person, because they are threatened by the person's knowledge or skill.
    ~ I hate hypocrites
    ~ I hate posers
    ~ I hate those, who prey on the weak
    ~ I hate working...should be a law against it
    ~ I hate waiting for Tera to release
  16. I hate it when internet companies advertise broadband as unlimited then you get a speed restriction warning telling you they are dropping the speed because of a fair usage policy because you have exceeded the allotted amount. WELL ITS NOT FUCKING UNLIMITED THEN IS IT.

    I hate religious people who use it more as a weapon.
    I hate that people life's are not valued by government's / businesses any more. We are just collateral machines.
    I hate the fact that I have been unable to do anything with my life the past few years
    I hate the English justice system for been so lenient to offenders
    I have the English benefit system that allows people not working to be able to live a easier life than those that have worked all their life.
    I hate immigrants that take up all the jobs when we are at an all time unemployment increase.
    I hate people who do something stupid and then complain about how hard their life is when they seriously haven't got a fucking clue.
  17. I hate when I run in to start the capture on the MCOMM station at A and the building collapses on me.

    I hate it when I throw a grenade and it bounces back at me but I don't have the ability to pick it up and throw it again.


    I hate it when Kyojis Mom makes Peanut butter cookies, I like Chocolate Chip! CHOCOLATE CHIP DAMN IT!
  18. Frostyx

    Frostyx Veteran

    I hate it when people give you more work AT WORK, im there to cruise through the day, then piss off home.
  19. Vapor

    Vapor Tera Troll

    I hate when an obese neighbor mows the lawn shirtless
    I hate when you get the perfect seat at the iMax and Andre the Giant sits in front of you.
    I hate when your dog takes a shit and comes in the house with a turd hanging from his ass
    I hate it when you pull the trigger in your dream and nothing happens
    I hate finding a rash on your ass and you don’t know where it’s from
    I hate the odor of an old lady’s perfume
    I hate a fatty wearing skinny jeans
    I hate that I ran out of hates
  20. Dread

    Dread Guest


    I hate it when I am delivering pizzas, and I have to be there on a time limit, but the pizza place is located where two major highways get off.
    So then I have to wait a whole up-to-5-minutes just to get out, because people make it so they leave JUST enough room behind the car in front so I have no chance to get in.
    And then I get behind someone, and, of course, a school zone which is right next to a police station with a bunch of idiotic cops radaring.
    So then that endeavor alone is 10 minutes, to literally get less than a mile. And it takes 15 minutes to make the food. So I only have 5 minutes to get to their location in my sparse rural town.
    But some idiot in front of me decides to go 30 miles per hour in a zone that is CLEARLY labelled 50 MPH. 4 damn signs for a 3 mile road, that say the speed limit, but still... people are just like "hurp derp speed limit?"
    Then after all this... the mother fucker I am delievering to doesn't have a goddamn mailbox and his house isn't labeled. So I get out of the car, look at the front of the building, and occasionally people think I'm some sort of murderer or rapist (being the paranoids that they are... I'm 18 and 115 pounds, don't be afraid dude.)
    So I get to their house after this ordeal, and they give me a $2 tip and act like it's the kindest thing anyone has ever done. "That's for you, buddy, right there, a whole $2". MOTHER FUCKER IF I WANTED ONLY $2 I'D FIND QUARTERS IN BETWEEN MY COUCH CUSHIONS. Not only that, sometimes $2 doesn't even pay for the gas to get to their house. Thanks a lot, deuschbag, I just lost money at work.
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2010