XoO, i need help.

Discussion in 'Denied Applications' started by feraldov, Jun 9, 2009.

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  1. feraldov

    feraldov Guest

    i am Cora RL for reactor RF server,
    We've got difficulties here, the server getting unbalance because cora only got 30x exp animus(it's only for isis and hecate, and it even took 12 hours to level an animus to lv 56, its really weak for 65 cap server) but YMAU and gold mau is everywhere.
    I'll apply at XoO too, so please give a division for Reactor rf server..
    I need all the help i can get, can XoO help us in reactor RF Server?
    Bellato winning rate is 80-90% now
    Even when cora is winning CW, with 100% alliance with accretia and Chip 100% and Cb succeed, we get 69% hp chip at the next cw ! (WTF)
    Please help me, the game is really getting unbalance and no fun.
    please reconsider it, XoO the Cora Strongest Guild =(

    Cora Race Leader
    Reactor RF Private Server
  2. Shinigami

    Shinigami Veteran

  3. Panacea

    Panacea Banned

  4. feraldov

    feraldov Guest

    some reply please ~_~ really, cora without animus, my race is doomed @_@
  5. I wouldnt hope for us to move servers just to help you. Nothing aganst you or anything but we have had other servers ask us aswell and turned them down... We are currently playing on Elite RF and are settled there for the time being.
  6. Mercer

    Mercer Guest

    Lieutenants dfash, SpoonUnholy and Nifoc will be coming to your server to help. Rendezvous at the ore refiner at 08:00.
  7. feraldov

    feraldov Guest

    thanks sir for noticing and replying, 08:00 GMT? i played at GMT+8 so it means 16:00?
    i really need all the help i can get...
  8. feraldov

    feraldov Guest

    i understand... but can u make a division or something like that? people start rerolling and cora need more loyal people... we're really feeling dominated right there... doesnt even have a chance to go out of port at one of the cw's...
    I really need u all ..
  9. i'd suggest you try to take this to PM's to Eskara who responded to you... as you aren't applying to our division so much as asking them to relocate and join you. that seems outside the parameters of our "recruitment section"
  10. Applicable

    Applicable Apprentice Spammer

    spoonunholy, imho, was the best ever tank to grace rf

    /on topic


  11. Panacea

    Panacea Banned

    He never originally posted it in the recruitment section, he posted it in General Chat.

    Eitherway, it's not worth following through as it's not going to happen.
  12. aw... that would expain it, though it makes no sense that it was moved here. if he has a desire to apply to our supported games he can do so, but this isn't that nor does it belong here.
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