XoO Clears Eternity Vault

Discussion in 'News - Front Page Posts' started by Kyoji, Jan 6, 2012.

  1. Xen of Onslaught has downed Eternity Vault on normal mode and has begun progress into hard mode. Eternity Vault is the only major raid (operation) in Star Wars currently and can be done with 8 or 16 people.

    Participants in the raid clear include: Kyoji, Ragehoof (Chrno), Asgaga, Veslav, Krypton, Noein, Sokar, and Erock.

    Other early attempts included: Facemelter, Kuulin, Sogetsu, Moneda (Lilitu), Kharma, and Ammaretto (Ziya).

    Congratz to everyone who participated and helped down the last boss Soa. Here are some pictures of the raid.







    And last but not least an old traditional XoO streaking fest!!!
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2012
  2. just wanna admit something

    that was my first legit PvE raid ... was fun and look forward too it

    and back too the huttball!!!

    Oh yeah and thank you for

    mah Longshot (purple) and my bracers!!!

    great job everyone!!!
  3. Wow that game looks dumb
  4. Norrak

    Norrak Veteran

    Your face looks dumb.

    Am I doing it right?
  5. totally :happy:
  6. Niiiiice. [​IMG]
  7. Facemelterr

    Facemelterr Veteran

    stupid pve carebears :p
  8. Gratz you guys
  9. Blackice

    Blackice Veteran

    Grats guys. See you at 50!
  10. Gratz on the teamwork.
  11. Well done, chaps!

  12. Grats! Seems like you guys got up and running pretty fast.
  13. It's just because we had 2 OPeratives and noein.
  14. gj guys! :D
  15. Your mother disagreed ... when she thought it was nice enough to SIT on.

    Last edited: Jan 6, 2012
  16. Big Grats, soon as the current WoW content patch is down I'm looking to transfer over full time. Good to see there's some "PvE Carebears" to come play with.
  17. More nakked pix, plz. PM ASAP.