XoO Avatar Outlines

Discussion in 'Creative Writing, Graphics, Movies, etc.' started by Kurushii, Oct 5, 2010.

  1. i dont see his ass?
  2. Rune

    Rune Officer Pickle

    Lol. Deban's mimicking mine, that's cute.

    BUT, you do not have a bad ass TAHABATA sig like I do! MWAHAHA. <.<
  3. Deban

    Deban Veteran

    What I posted is actually what I've wanted for quite some time now. I'm just finally remembering to post the request. :p
  4. Any chance I could please get one done on mine too?

    In a blue colour if possible..

  5. AzureB :


    Deban :

    I offset the image as it didn't look quite right centred.
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2011
  6. Deban

    Deban Veteran

    Whoa! Much better than anticipated~

    Many many Thanks, Kazzier! :)
  7. Thanks Kazz!
  8. Owiann -

  9. Klocknov

    Klocknov Veteran Bless Online Member

    Want to work that in to one, I think it will look best with rainbow, but try that and purple and whichever comes out better would be much obliged.
  10. A quick attempt for Klocknov

    (Edit: I actually really like this, came out better than expected)

  11. Klocknov

    Klocknov Veteran Bless Online Member

    You know what it does look good I will go with it.
  12. Aeris

    Aeris Veteran

    i borrowed one :D
    hope no1 gets angry lol
  13. Flowz

    Flowz Member Black Desert Member

    These are sexy, props to the artist =]
    i borroed one to o.o still needa edit an avi tho =x hope no one gets mad
  14. They are here for people to use. Go right ahead.
  15. Fenrir

    Fenrir Member

    I wants a cool outline with a cool moving gif too...
  16. Like this?
  17. Me thinks this is a bit outdated...