WoW: Warlords of Draenor

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by PersonalRiot, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. [​IMG]


    Riot's Notes: WoD is Blizzard return of old concepts (Burning Crusade with the new foundation of the recent expansion packs. It features a world PvP map, a 'balanced' area mode, housing system, new dungeons/raids, and updates to old models/textures.

    Source of list:

    Massive compiled list of things that I've come across thus far in one nice and easy to read place.
    General Information
    • New world: Draenor
    • Build and upgrade your garrison
    • New character models (Dwarf and Orc seen released already.) All races minus Worgen and Goblins will receive updates.
    • Level cap raised to 100 & Level 100 talents
    • New monsters
    • New world PvP zone
    • New items and rewards
    • Hundreds of new quests
    • Boost to 90 and play immediately - "If you buy the expansion box, you can boost ONE character to 90."
    • No flying from lvl 90-100, and still no flying until the first major content patch(only in Draenor).

      Raids & Dungeons
    • LFR will also allow scaling technology.
    • Normal/Heroic will be changed to allow for 10-25 players (instead of currently 10 and 25 only).
    • Normal/Heroic will be cross-realm on release.
    • Normal/Heroic will NOT have boss locks like they have now. Instead, they will have loot locks similar to LFR/Flex. You can do normal/heroic raids multiple times in a single week, just without loot.
    • Mechanics that change when you have a certain amount of players will be addressed by having a chance of mechanics to hit depending on how many people you have. (The panelist gave the example of Protectors' Shadow Word: Bane hitting two players at 10-14 players, but three players once you hit 15 players. In the new system, there will be a certain percent chance that two players will be targeted vs. three players.)
    • Currently, Normal/Heroic will NOT have individual loot, and will keep the boss dropping random loot. However, with the addition of players, the percent chance to get more items off the boss (10m gives two pieces, if you add another player, you have a certain percent chance to get a third piece, I assume there are breakpoints for this, but they were not revealed).
    • Mythic is a new difficulty, around the same difficulty as current heroic raids, has a SET 20 player limit. This is NOT cross-realm on release.
    • First raid will be a smaller "intro" 6 boss raid similar to MSV, followed by a 10 man major tier raid. First raid is Highmaul, major 10 boss raid will be Blackrock Foundry.
    • Stacking the Deck" new dungeon finder/raid finder buff. You gain bonus valor for queuing into dungeon finder with pre-made groups.

      Garrisons & How it'll affect us
    • This will act as the Valley of the Four Winds' farm on crack.
    • This activity has it's own complex UI.
    • You can unlock buildings by finding world drop recipes.
    • You must fill all building plots to unlock new tiers, new tiers unlock even more building plots.
    • You can find followers that unlock certain activities or buildings for your garrison. For example, if you find an engineer, you can build engineering buildings.
    • You can assign followers to work, generating a certain amount of resources per hour.
    • You can have followers go on raids/dungeons/etc. to get gear and resources.

      System and Social
    • In-game Blizzard group finder, similar to OQueue or OpenRaid.
    • "Stacking the Deck" new dungeon finder/raid finder buff. You gain bonus valor for queuing into dungeon finder with pre-made groups.
    • Each time you level 91-100, you gain a bonus to core abilities. These will mostly be passive, and increase EACH level.
    • There will be little/no daily quests at max level.
    • There will be more max level content than ever before, this content will be similar to Timeless Isle and Isle of Thunder mechanics.
    • Items & Class sets
    • Hit/Expertise removed!
    • Dodge/Parry removed!
    • Reforge removed!
    • There will be few enchants in the expansion to choose.
    • There will be few gems in the expansion to choose.
    • Gear will have little gem slots, similar to Warforged/Thunderforged, some gear may have extra gem slots.
    • All gear will be both strength/intellect/agility/etc, which just changes with your specialization.
    • Each class will have ONE tier set, the tier set effect changes with your specialization.
    • Armor and Spirit will become main stats for tanks and healers, respecively.
    • Items have a random chance to have special effects on each item. (Life-steal, Avoidance, Durability, Speed, etc.)
    • Heirlooms & Toys and possibly Tabards will have their own interface to be truly account bound now.
    • Item squish confirmed.
    • This can be a community project to get everything all sorted together so people don't have to hound around and try to find all of the information.

    /u/MrGraveRisen for reminding me about no flying until patch 6.1 & information about the new raid
    /u/rsmith91487 for pointing out that I forgot a link to the level 100 Warlord of Draenor talents


    Other mentions:

    The game is currently $15 for everything (75% off). Recruit a friend is triple exp if you play with that particular player which is great for leveling if you don't care about seeing content. If you haven't play since BC or WoLTK, I am personally finding a great deal of joy visiting old zones and leveling up characters through Cata and if you haven't played MoP there is tons of zones to fill in the time game to the next expansion.

    It seems like the next expansion will at least have more PvP content so it is completely possible to have a guild that isn't raid focused (like our last one) but new raiding is certainly far more flexible (non-heroic).
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2013
  2. I quit WoW because I was hardcore raiding, progressing in the Top 10% of the server. I admit it was fun until it started taking over my life. That was my third time picking WoW back up, I'm not sure if I would do it again. These features do look interesting though.
  3. I am done with WoW... now leave me alone as I spend all my time in FFXIV running the same dungeons over again and again and again so I can wear the prettiest clothes on my digital avatar.....

  4. Sounds like they are dumbing it down even more. Timeless isle is boring as all hell after a week. Do not want more content like that.

    They've already fucked over their pvp so much that its just boring as hell while you wait an hour to kill someone. The sad part is that person is probably CC'd the entire time still.

    The only thing that they are "adding" is garrisons and that will probably last a week before you realize you have to do on mythic raids to finish any building.
  5. As dumb as this sounds... I bought the $9 expansion and resubbed for a month, plus the free 10 days.

    I've been looking for a MMO to play casually, and this is giving me my fix (like MMO-crack.) I like playing my Pally tank, much-much simpler than when I was raiding with my Resto Shaman. Random Dungeons are fun for now as well.

    Milkbubble - Sargeras Horde.
  6. I am doing a reroll with heirlooms (now that they are account wide). I'll roll and see if anyone else is still around, who has control of the old guild/is it still around?
  7. I joined an active guild. Someone messaged me with help and was familiar with the old XoO. Velvet Revolution is the Guild. It helps my game play when there are active people in the Guild.

    If anyone wants a free level 80 boost, message me and I will send one out to you.
    Last edited: Dec 16, 2013
  8. Noted.

    Also music preview:
  9. That Sucks....

    <--- Hardcore PvP! FTW

    It never gets old farming tears no matter the game. I resubbed not to long ago... Really nothing else to play in the MMO dept that is better, and since it's easy to obtain PvP gear I can just camp BG's all day. :D






    P.S. What happened to the WoW Div. Did they quit playing?
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2013
  10. Auriel

    Auriel Member

    Same here, I quit too. I went on to play Guild Wars 2 which, I think, is better. Plus, no monthly fees.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2013
  11. Rumor

    Rumor Veteran Star Citizen Member

  12. Itherael

    Itherael Banned

    Don't give in! Just wait for WildStar! ;)
  13. More like Gaylords of Gaynor, amirite
  14. MasterChaif

    MasterChaif Veteran FPS Member

    My brother bought it all for me for christmas, I plan on asking for a year sub card for my birthday (a month later) so I wont feel bad playing casual on a subscription game
  15. I'm playing on Borean Tundra with some of the WoW forums posters, very casual... PVE server. I'm gearing up and doing some 'cheives.
  16. Rumor

    Rumor Veteran Star Citizen Member

    I've always been on Illidan.
  17. What happened to our Sargeras division? :( I just noticed.
  18. The new xpac looks interesting, the new pvp area seems like it could be cool. Plus being able to see Outland before it got all jacked up is pretty badass. I have an 85 mage on Tich and a 90 lock on Blackrock.
  19. Disbanded a bit ago due to members leaving and lack of interest. They always handled their own shit more or less (off forums) and all that was left was the raiding team that played seriously. Lost a main tank I believe and over a period of time members. During one of the general meetings a officer said the guild was dormant and non active. Been dead ever since. I am not even sure if anyone in Xoo current is in that guild, let alone with any permissions.
  20. My mother board just went out so I wont be playing for a few weeks.