WoW (EU)(Saurfang)

Discussion in 'Accepted and on Probation' started by Arthios, Apr 7, 2011.

  1. Arthios

    Arthios Guest

    WoW (EU)(Saurfang)
    Character Name
    What is your class?
    What is your main spec?
    Please link your WoW Armory informationWhat is your age?
    What are your current professions and their raid benefit
    Herbalism, just wanted a gather profession to earn money. But the Lifeblood spell can be usefull with a little heal and some haste.

    Tailoring, I could provide myself with gear and enchantments. Also I could sell gear to earn gold.
    How long you've been playing WoW and what PvE progression you've accomplished
    I've been playing since October 2009. I got 6/12 progression.
    What days can you raid?
    • Monday
    • Tuesday
    • Thursday
    • Friday
    • Saturday
    • Sunday
    List scheduling conflicts
    It would be on wednesday, when I'm going to a christian youthgroup and fridays if I go out or something.
    Guild History - where are you leaving and why
    I've been trying many guilds recently since Red Dawn splitted. But almost every member of Red Dawn is in XOO, so I will for sure stay.
    How did you hear about us? List any friends/references within the guild
    Basbo, told me about your guild and I think you are a really good guild :D
    Can you take constructive criticism and being call out on mistakes (both in and out of raid)?
    Final comments you feel could help your application
    Nope ;D
    Have you applied to the WoW (EU) usergroup?
  2. gaial

    gaial Guest


    Can u log out in your PvE gear please

    And also tell us a little about your self, Wha you do for fun and stuff like that (it always helps applications if we know a little about you)

  3. Thanx for the application, i will whisper you ingame to set a date and time for an interview

    see you there :D
  4. Accepted and on Probation