world of tanks

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by doctorie, May 5, 2010.

  1. There really is. A shame a lot of the stuff I have at hand I can't share yet :(
  2. merged threads. =)
  3. Thanks a ton Kyoji
  4. Clan Wars

    Are there any clans in the game?

    Clan battles will be implemented with the start of World of Tanks open beta test. Every clan can include up to 100 peolple.

    What types of clan battles will the game include?

    By the start of open beta, World of Tanks will feature ranking battles and clan tournaments. By the release date, there will be a global map divided into hundreds of provinces where battles for territories will unfold.

    How will the Clan Wars be arranged?

    In Clan Wars, there will be a global map divided into hundreds of provinces. To start their activity on the map, every clan will have to capture one of coastal provinces. If a province is not occupied by others, the clan will get it for free, while an occupied province will have to be fought for.

    Will captured provinces provide clans with resources?

    There are several economic categories of provinces, from basic ones to “capitals”. Occupying a common province will give a clan credits, whereas possessing a key province will result in gold benefits. So, “capitals” will give most monetary benefits to their owners. There is also some “economy” and “crafting”, along with monetary revenues; Clans can build factories, which produce special tanks and tank components/ammo over time.

    How will clans arrange battles?

    Every clan has a certain amount of “chips” equal to the number of its members. By putting a chip on a chosen province, a clan shows its claim on capturing it. If another clan expresses its will to capture the same province or if the province belongs to another clan, the two clans are to engage in a battle for it. Clan Masters can declare attacks on neutral or enemy provinces once per day, and a corresponding number of battles are scheduled and take place accordingly.


    MMORPG Center: We found out that WOT is a PvP focused MMO. Can you please tell us how the system works?

    Mike Belton: Well, the system is pretty simple. The player operates one vehicle at a time. After choosing a tank and hitting the BATTLE button, you will appear in a pre-battle room and wait until it fills up with 30 people (15 players in each team). At the moment during the Russian CBT the number of concurrent users is approximately 4 000 people, so you won’t have to wait more than 5-10 seconds for the battle to start. Once the room is filled up with 30 players the system will randomly separate all vehicles into two equal teams and that’s how the battle starts. Thus, a German Tiger can fight shoulder to shoulder with the Soviet T-34, unless it’s a historic mission, where only a certain nation tanks will be allowed on one team.

    MMORPG Center: Is there any persistent battlefield in the game and how does it work? What about rewards for holding these territories?

    Mike Belton: We are going to introduce Clan War mode into the game. There is a global map divided into hundreds of provinces. There will be two types of such provinces: basic ones and capitals. Occupying a basic province will give a clan credits, whereas holding a capital will result in gold benefits.

    To start fighting and capturing the provinces a Clan Leader will need to gather a team of at least 15 players and declare attack on neutral or enemy province (all attacks are declared once a day). Then a corresponding number of battles will take place accordingly to a scheduled time. The bigger your clan is, the harder it gets to repel attacks and expand your empire. That’s why diplomacy is of great importance. Clans can sign treaties and non-aggression pacts— pretty much like in Civilization or Total War series. But we also expect a lot of treachery, changing alliances, double-agents, stubbing in the back and other political tricks.



    RPS: Just how many players can you have on a battlefield at any one time? Any problems with lag with high numbers? (And how big are the battlefields?)

    Zhyvets: At the moment, the number of players in a team is limited to 15 and will be increased to 30. Thus, up to 60 panzers can clash in tense fights on the World of Tanks battlefields. The size of a standard map is 1 square kilometer. Maps’ size is specified by technical and gameplay demands. However, a desert map with lack of huge objects on it may be much larger and we will definitely add such locations into our game.

    We had no serious lags so far. The closed beta we held in Russia helped us reveal some bugs and errors that will be removed by the start of the European beta.

    RPS: Can you explain a bit about how the global war part of the game will work? What would an RPS clan get out of playing together in that mode?

    Zhyvets: To make a long story short, let’s imagine a global map with persistent world divided into hundreds of provinces. At the very beginning, we will start from the eastern boards of Germany to Volga and from Scandinavian countries to Romania. There are several economic categories of provinces, from basic ones to “capitals” that will give most monetary benefits to their owners. Once per day clan masters declare attacks on neutral or enemy provinces and a corresponding number of battles are scheduled and take place accordingly. The bigger your clan is, the harder it gets to repel attacks and expand your empire. Clans can sign treaties, non-aggression pacts or become vassals. Having a couple of solid alliances will help protect the clan’s flanks and rear. But we also expect a lot of treachery, changing alliances, double-agents, stubbing in the back and other political tricks. New clans enter the map by having a chance to fight a battle for one of the “coastal” provinces. If they kick the owner out, that province will be their new home, from where they will expand deeper into the continent. The more panzers you have, the more powerful your clan is, but in order to start fighting and capturing the provinces you should gather a team of 15 players. Clans can also participate in clan tournaments that will last for much shorter time: from a couple of hours to a couple of days.

    I’m fairly sure that RPS clans will have some hilarious time in World Tanks clan wars. Just interesting to see how good they are at diplomacy and tactics against hundreds of other guilds fighting for global domination.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2010
  5. In case anyone is wondering exactly what tanks you can use in WoT here are the full tech trees that will be available.



  6. MrMakuto

    MrMakuto Guest

    If they keep it historical there is gonna be a shite ton of balance issues.

    Looks good though, I play a lot of WW2/WW1 games (like Batteground Europe) so will definitely keep an eye on this!
  7. If you read through the thread you would know you don't need to keep an eye on it. You can play it right now.
  8. MrMakuto

    MrMakuto Guest

    Whoops. Late at night and I couldnt be bothered to read 3 pages ^^!

    Applied to the BETA! Who else is playing this?

    Was looking at the videos.. the combat looks very unrealistic.. Tanks zooming around in fields making sharp turns like that just isnt how it happened.
  9. From what I have read the 3 types of tanks serve different roles. The Light tanks mainly scout for the Mobile guns and Heavy tanks. When they spot a tank it makes that tank targetable, where as the tank could of been stationary and cammo'd. This is a Tank MMO not WWII online.

    I will try and find some info on the tanks. Maybe Stan has it already.

    What types of armored vehicles are presented in the game?

    World of Tanks features armored vehicles from Germany and the Soviet Union that were produced and designed starting from early 30’s and up to the Korean war. Gamers can have light, medium, and heavy tanks, as well as tank destroyers and long-range self-propelled howitzers. Apart from real tanks, the game will include prototype vehicles, such as the American T1E2, the Soviet IS-7, or the German E Series tanks.

    What role will tank destroyers and long-range howitzers play in the game?

    Just like in real battles of the WWII, the role of these unit types can’t be overestimated. Tank destroyers are perfect defensive units. With powerful weapons and thick frontal armor, they are capable of engaging enemy vehicles from relatively long distances. But their weak points are the low mobility and the deficit of side and rear armor; if a maneuverable opponent makes it to get into a close combat, it all can get really tough for a tank destroyer.

    The role of self-propelled howitzers is slightly different. They work in tense cooperation with light tanks that scout the map and unveil enemy vehicles for them. Their extremely powerful cannons may cause a one-shot lethal outcome for any opponent. Still, howitzers are very vulnerable in close battle.

    What is the main objective of light tanks?

    First of all, light tanks are indispensible as scouting units and can easily find and engage enemy long-range artillery. Secondly, their high mobility allows light tanks to reveal hostile units on the battlefield and transfer their coordinates to teammates. Thirdly, they are most effective in close battles against rival light tanks or SPG’s.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2010
  10. Reminds me somewhat of Chrome Hounds, just with tanks.
  11. There are light, heavy, medium, Tank Destroyers, and SPG(artillery) so far. Each serving its own role and having a variety of tanks in it's class. The game isn't about 100% historical accuracy towards the battles. There is already an MMO that does that, this is a more arcadey but with accuracy paid attention to things like tank models, tank hitboxes etc.
  12. you play battleground europe?
    I play as "bragg" since 2000 or 1999..I played since day one.. Not currently subscribed as I moved from florida to New Zealand. But soon Ill resub.

    had over 50,000 tank kills the first year...I looooooooove tanks.
  13. MrMakuto

    MrMakuto Guest

    Awesome :D! Im SirCuddles! I was Allied High Command Chief of the RAF (forgotten the official title). I just flew and flew, tanks were alright but I was so nab at then, would rather get a dive bomber and WTF them from the air!

    I've quit at the moment as well... just got a tad bored! The new version is out though so I may go back to it!
  14. cool..I was a commander in the high command for a while, allied forces...3rd battalion inf...if i remember correctly. Some nights I was acting commander in chief of allied forces.

    I went back for the new trial...its just the finances keeping me away for now.
  15. MrMakuto

    MrMakuto Guest

  16. I'm in! Lets blow some shit up together.
  17. I am downloading tonight
  18. Kava

    Kava Veteran

    Anyone tried it yet? Is it cool?
  19. Good game. Don't get turned off by the very first battle.

    It takes a while to get used to it since there is are no tutorials.

    Hit F1 for all the keys though.
  20. Played in enough tanks and no thanks. Tanks are just plain fucking boring. Takes no skill. Lame.