World Cup 2010

Discussion in 'Public General Chat' started by Applicable, Jun 8, 2010.

  1. Korea (47th) is beating Greece (13th) 2:0, looks like Korea edged out Greece in this one.
  2. Frostyx

    Frostyx Veteran

    It is a bit of a shock, however greece have played 1 style football aka junk...

    Precision + pace is winning the day.
  3. Applicable

    Applicable Apprentice Spammer

    just been watching argentine vs nigera, and argentina are looking a very strong unit.

    the players are unusually looking a bit passionate (must be the hand of god lol!)
  4. Frostyx

    Frostyx Veteran

    Argentina played their normal standard.

    Different manager (ie a competent one) and they would be feared.
    Fortunately Maradona is a fruitcake that has been soaking in alcohol for years...
  5. BassSick

    BassSick Guest

    We have Maradona as Coach.
    If we get to quarters, it will be a miracle.

    Brazil has a weak team this year, but that doesn't prevent them from beign a candidate. If there's a lucky team in the history of WC, it's Brazil.

    My bets for champion are Spain, England or Germany.
  6. think most would have agreed with you..
    but green's Doh moment...
    ..I also think spain will most do.

    guess most have seen the nike ad...but here it is this vid,,

  7. USA and England tied 1:1

    Argentina beat Nigera 1:0

    so decent games thus far.
  8. MrMakuto

    MrMakuto Guest

    It was a stupid game. We dominated USA but couldnt get a bloody shot off! Rooney played too far forward imo, he was too quiet the whole game. Don't get me started on green.. I MEAN COMOONNN!!
  9. Applicable

    Applicable Apprentice Spammer

    Suppose I should add my reply to the England v USA game, would have replied sooner, but was in tears on sunday and busy with work on monday.

    The 2nd half was much better, but Eng lacked the killer instinct to get the 2nd goal that would end the match. And USA played very well I think, and hope they qualify in 2nd place ;)

    now what about the German thrashing of Aus... :D
  10. Frostyx

    Frostyx Veteran

    watched all bar 3 matches so far, and only germany have looked anything special for the whole match.

    Italy & Holland when they made subs and changed their formation looked dangerous.

    Nothing to write home about after the first round of matches thus far however.
  11. Hashu

    Hashu Guest


    Oranje FTW !

  12. The best way to filter out the vuvuzela is through equalizer settings. The vuvuzela's tone is a Bb, which in an EQ translates to a primary tone at 233Hz and secondary harmonic tones at 466Hz, 932Hz, and 1864Hz. Since we're not concerned with getting the full spectrum of sound (this isn't music--we're just trying to get field noise and announcers), you can safely eliminate those bands and still enjoy the game--hopefully sans vuvuzela.
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2010
  13. 2:1 Brazil vs Korea.

    Brazil played like crap, but oh well they won. Brazil doesn't have the best team this year.
  14. i had work today and didnt get to watch the games ... the fuckin horns are brutal ... to bad i cant do that eq stuff on my tv speakers haha
  15. oh yeah and GOO Deutschland!!!!
  16. Switzerland beats Spain 0-1.

    I don't think Spain is going to get knocked out in the group rounds, but that hurts.
  17. hurts big time being one of the favs to win it all
  18. New Zealand next..yikes..GL
  19. Bloodlex

    Bloodlex Guest

    wake ur asses up tomorrow for a show on delight and expertise in this amazing game that will be display against South Korea... Nigeria was a warm up.... Our players were just getting their playstyle right..... Time to show why we have the best in slot.
  20. Bloodlex

    Bloodlex Guest

    4-1 and they played a horrible game defense was sucking so damn much.....Demichelis should not be allowed to play anymore games and Lio didn't do shit..... thankfully Koreans didn't have a good offense or it couldve tied or even worst a lose.