Witcher 2

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by ReyVagabond, Nov 30, 2010.

  1. Yizelin

    Yizelin Veteran

    Not the only one, though I ordered a physical collectors so I have to wait till mornin'
  2. Norrak

    Norrak Veteran

    I will probably wait till morning as well anyway. No need to rush this, gotta enjoy it :)
  3. Hashu

    Hashu Guest

    Amazing game, definitely a GOTY candidate.
    Last edited: May 18, 2011
  4. Mortae

    Mortae Veteran FFXIV Officer

    I've got it too, but I have to wait to play it. School has hampered my play time and I want to finish the first game again before I start this one up.
  5. Spinn

    Spinn Guest

    Got it and omg I'm so bad I die all the time :D
  6. Norrak

    Norrak Veteran

    It is pretty hard, especially if you never played Witcher 1. You need to actually prepare for a fight, use oil, potions, traps, bombs for AoE and such. I love the difficulty at normal, just hard enough. ;)

    I will write a decent review eventually, but it's a VERY solid GOTY, 9.5/10 for me. I spent around 15 hours in the prologue and Chapter 1 so far, started Chapter Two 2-3 hours ago. I wouldn't be surprised if I sink in a good 40 hours in this.

    And now I am gone to play some more... so damn good and I can already see why I will want to create a 2nd game as soon as I am done with my first play through.

    [EDIT] Looked around a bit, every critics are in the 90+ range. User score on Metacritic after 600 ratings is 9.0 and that is including a bunch of retarded 0 from Bioware fanboys that cannot accept Witcher 2 is RPG GOTY and not DA 2. :p If anyone was still hesitating, well don't and just grab the game already. ;)
    Last edited: May 19, 2011
  7. Norrak

    Norrak Veteran

    Just finished the game, not sure how long it took but between 35 and 40 for sure... probably closer to 40. Gotta love having 3 days off and absolutely nothing to do. ;)

    Chapter 3 wasn't as long as I hoped after seeing the length of 8-10 hours for Chapter 1 and 2, but it's still very satisfying. I don't wanna spoil anything but I will simply say I cannot wait for Witcher 3. :)
  8. Spinn

    Spinn Guest

    Think there'll be a Witcher 3? :x
  9. Mortae

    Mortae Veteran FFXIV Officer

    I think it is getting enough good reviews to justify it creatively... it depends on how it sells. It's #1 on Amazon for PC games, so that is a good start. The first game was rather low-key in terms of sales, so since the 2nd is getting this much good press, it can only look up.
  10. Norrak

    Norrak Veteran

    Based on story, sales and critics so far. For sure ;)
  11. I'm sorely tempted to go for the collector's edition but $170 sounds as inflated as Anna Nicole Smith's tits. Weird thing is the standard edition is cheaper locally than it is on Steam.
    I'll keep looking.
  12. Spinn

    Spinn Guest

    I really love this game
  13. Mortae

    Mortae Veteran FFXIV Officer

    I played through the Prologue and really want to start in on Chapter 1, but I have the DLC looping issue where it won't verify and keeps redownloading. I am going to hold off on progressing until this is fixed with a patch they promised early next week. There are other things that are broken and I don't want them to ruin the experience. I can wait a few more days :)
  14. Alavander

    Alavander Veteran Camelot Unchained Member


    That was pretty damn good:punch:. I wish MMO's could pick up alot of features from this game. Wish I didnt pay 50$ for it but I suppose all games cost that much.

    The only downside I would have to give this game is its a bit to linear for my liking. And my first play through lasted 30 hours. Wish it could have had a little more side quest content besides armwrestling matches, fistfighting, gambling.

    Theres always the next play through. Im gonna go with the manwhore approach this time around.

    Solid 9/10 Woot
  15. My only qualm is the combat feels clunky and if you change targets accidentally (by facing the wrong target momentarily) then your dude is off doing sommersaults in the wrong direction
  16. Norrak

    Norrak Veteran

    You can lock your target, but even then it's not always good to do so. It's easier when you aren't a swordsman ;)
  17. Version 2.0 change details~

  18. Reinier

    Reinier Veteran

  19. Easily worth $30

    Changes look great