Windows 8 info

Discussion in 'Tech Talk' started by EniGmA1987, Jun 2, 2011.

  1. Everyone needs to watch this to get an idea of what the next Windows will be like.

    New video went up today about the new Windows 8:

    I am not liking it at all. I will stick with Windows 7.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2011
  2. Retsah

    Retsah Veteran

    way to much fluff. No thanks.
  3. Unimpressive. I'm sticking with Windows 7.
  4. Ugh, ugh....... why does everything have to go this touch and app route. As tech advances it seems users dont. Yes the small percentage that gamers ect are far more advanced but it's a minority. Gah truely sad outlook for things to come. Granted my 60 year old mother will be trilled.
  5. I thought Windows 8 was just for mobile or tablet hardware. Which made me happy, but then he said "mouse and keyboard" then "for PC" and then the summary at the end including desktops/PCs.

    Now this is cool and all, but for PC? Will need a touchscreen compatible Monitor (is there even such a thing that you can just buy without a pre-built system? I know HP has something like it) to really feel connected with this OS, imo.

    I feel like Win 7 just came out, I'm not ready for another! It was hard enough for me to let go of Win 2k, then XP..
  6. Sirius

    Sirius Veteran Crowfall Member

    This media release isn't really about desktop systems - I agree that there is little reason to replace the UI for those. There is still the Windows 7-style UI available for desktops, it just remains to be seen whether there is anything much to give those sorts of users a reason to upgrade (but being substantially better than Windows 7 is probably a tall order at this stage).
  7. I prefer icons.
  8. Ya I like icons. Too much stuff.
  9. Saffaya

    Saffaya Veteran Star Citizen Officer

    I would still be using win 2k if it could manage the capacity of current hard drives.
    Holding tight to my 2k3 server.
    Had to put 7 on the gaming rig (that has been collecting dust since march) for Eyefinity.
  10. Ahh it looks stupid. Its making a PC look more like a mac or mobile phone.

    I like the practicality of having data and files organised how they are, without window jumping. No thanks.
  11. the problem is 75% of users will love this ... the rest of us wont ...

    I have been telling people for a few years now that the next windows will be touch based like a phone and app driven ... but nooooooo one listened too me
  12. Xiline

    Xiline Ceviel D'Ark

    Im staying by the win7 >.>
  13. Looks like Microsoft is taking the Call of Duty route, trying to release a new OS every year. No thanks.
  14. Win 7 was released almost 2 years ago now, and Windows 8 should be out next year, MAYBE the year after in 2013. Vista came out in 2006, so Win 7 was only 3 years after and no one complained. This follows the same timings. At least we wont have to wait that long for Windows 9 that will hopefully be better than 8.

    Dont forget there was Windows 95 in 1995. Then Windows 98 in 1998, then both Windows 200 and Windows ME in 2000. And then XP came only in just 2001 (again we see only 3 years since a major version). Then we had Server 2003 and Windows XP x64 in 2003. The only time it has been more than 3 years between major OS versions was from XP to Vista.
  15. Looks amazing! :bigeyes: I was thinking of upgrading to 7, but this is super slick, I think I might wait.

    The controls look really intuitive, the integration with other devices looks 100x better than 7 and the design is extremely clean and modern. 5 stars MS, good job! :D
  16. Aral

    Aral Veteran

    Fuck tiles.
  17. but what about the app personality! you really need to get to know your word documents if you want to be a good person
  18. Ryld Baenre

    Ryld Baenre Veteran FPS Member


    I'll probably stick with W7 until they don't support it anymore and I absolutely need W8.
  19. Sirius

    Sirius Veteran Crowfall Member

    I'm expecting W7 to be the next XP, to be honest. By the time they can drop support for it, 9 or 10 will be out...
  20. Windows 7 Home and Ultimate are only supported until 2015.