
Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by moneda, Aug 18, 2011.

  1. haibane

    haibane Veteran Crowfall Member

    Jesus that's some long ass patch notes lol.

    So u're in CBT3 ? Lucky lucky !
  2. nope..i wish
  3. aiming

    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2014
  4. I wouldn't mind a beta key if they send us a batch of em.

    @Doc: I would advise to post a link to the patch notes instead of making multiple posts, unless the patch notes can fit in one post.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2013
  5. haibane

    haibane Veteran Crowfall Member

    Like Rubius, i'd love to try that game. Seems quite interesting.
  6. Yeah, the game is growing on me, despite my (now hilarious) first impression.
  7. Kalverin

    Kalverin Veteran Star Citizen Member

    Did you get a beta key Rubius?
  8. Mariusz

    Mariusz Veteran

    Im down to try this too, bin following it for a while now.
  9. haibane

    haibane Veteran Crowfall Member

    IGN posted a nice interview on Wildstar, with features, ideas behind the game, what they wanna do, where they wanna go, which kind of players they want to have, along with a very good state of the current MMO market.

    I'd post the link but i'm at work :( it made me, like, 100% more interested about the game now !
  10. Nope, I did not. Though my last post seems to give the impression I did, it was not intentional.
  11. Deadend

    Deadend Veteran Crowfall Member

  12. haibane

    haibane Veteran Crowfall Member

    Yeah Spring seems more likely.

    That business model is good, it was the same in EVE online kinda (u could buy "game time cards" with isk. This time it's direct so it's nice, we'll get a bazillion farmers tho but the gold rate will be more competitive...

    Still, EXILES !
  13. StashVG

    StashVG Veteran

    ...no beta key yet.... :(

    Been looking forward to this game for some time now...... since it's not aiming til spring 14, I guess I can wait a bit longer....
  14. Probably best not to have keys so early too, so we dont get bored by the time it comes out next year and so we see a more polished version than the alpha/closed beta builds that are available to testers now.
  15. StashVG

    StashVG Veteran

    lol, not all of us get bored with games early....

    ....& I actually enjoy testing (not just playing a game early)