wildstar online..ncsoft

Discussion in 'Upcoming Game Chatter' started by doctorie, Feb 8, 2013.

  1. StashVG

    StashVG Veteran

    Over the Top & Awesome....

    ...count me in!!
  2. Rumor

    Rumor Veteran Star Citizen Member

    I just checked this out and I'm intrigued. What's the general view on it?
  3. It is designed by the old World of Warcraft devs basically, think of a hybrid between World of Warcraft mechanics with Guild Wars 2 combat (but a better engine). I see it eating up a lot of the leaking WoW subscription base if it is done well, 40 M raiding and organized/ranked PvP. Multiple ways to level up depending on your chosen playstyle. Beyond that, we don't much else but a few people I know who went to Arkship (community preview events) were gushing over it.
  4. Noollab

    Noollab Veteran Crowfall Member

    I cannot for the life of me figure out what the appeal of this game is, or why people are so excited about it.
    I'm usually the first one to roll my eyes when someone calls it, but this one just screams WoW-clone to my ears, and I've grown to really, really loathe WoW.

    Could someone shed some light on WHY this game is worth being excited about?
    Not that I'm going to play it anyway, seeing as I cannot stand that graphical style. It bothered me in WoW and it bothered me in Torchlight.
  5. Owainn

    Owainn Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Member

    LOL you know at first I was wondering if you were just exaggerating, but after watching some videos, holy shit this game IS a WoW-Clone. With a touch of GW2 combat
    Last edited: May 5, 2013
  6. Rumor

    Rumor Veteran Star Citizen Member

    I loved WoW and I love torchlight. If they're going for a smoother upgraded version of Vanilla WoW, I'm sold.
  7. Owainn

    Owainn Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Member

    Well Watching some gameplay footage. They say explorers unlock a lot of stuff. I am wondering does that affect your characters combat stats or whatnot?
  8. Vangelis

    Vangelis Veteran Crowfall Member

    If the baboon is in, then so am I. WoW clone? Who cares?!?! If it mirrors Vanilla yet is set in cartoony sci-fantasy space then I'm game. The trailer I watched was comedic, not serious and I like comedy. It's at least worth looking into.
  9. Owainn

    Owainn Veteran Chronicles of Elyria Member

    I see so long as I am in King Baboon is in too.. Gotcha
  10. Vangelis

    Vangelis Veteran Crowfall Member

    Kneel before Zod
  11. Noollab

    Noollab Veteran Crowfall Member

    Well, first off, I enjoyed vanilla WoW, and I've spent a LOT of time in WoW, even after vanilla.

    My problem with WoW clones is that they're often NOT a vanilla-WoW clone.
    They're clones of what WoW has become after nearly nine years: An insanely-scaled, chance-based, button-mashing game with little-to-no new actual content, except for added dumbed-down raid content. Not to mention those god-awful daily repeatable quests, which are practically imperative for competing in whatever is more important at the time, be it gear score, or DPS, or achievement points.
    I don't mind working, even for a long time, on building up my character, and getting the best gear, and doing something in order to become something. But I sure as hell do not consider the 25 obligatory daily quest grind "proper" content.
    Oooh, and don't even get me started on the lackluster PvP.

    THAT is what WoW has become, and THAT is why I do not want future MMOs to continue down that path, and for those things to become an unavoidable trend.

    Sure, I've probably been spoilt, and become jaded, from playing games, MMOs, in the past that actually dared do something new and exciting with their games, rather than just look at the current big-hitter, and do everything they did.
    I don't mind games borrowing from other games (hell, it's probably nigh impossible not to do something that hasn't already been done to some extend).
    And in fact, I encourage it. But it has to be borrowing (and hopefully even improving) the good stuff, and leaving the shitty stuff behind.

    /rant off, and all that
  12. Vangelis

    Vangelis Veteran Crowfall Member

    Okay, the more I look into this game and watch the vids, the more I'm interested in it. Why? Because it looks "fun". And fun is something that has been lacking in most games for years. Fun as in it might actually make me laugh. I know more than one video did. The game as it is shown & marketed reminds me of the animated sci-fantasy movies of the 80's.

    I've been starved for a game that doesn't take itself too seriously. I love that the backstory and "lore" on this one is tongue-in-cheek. Does anyone remember the old Sierra games of Space Quest and Leisure Suit Larry? Those games were just fun to play and filled with humor. I miss that in games today.

    Signed up for Beta and look forward to testing it out.

    PS- 40 Man Raids!!! Nuff said...
  13. Deadend

    Deadend Veteran Crowfall Member

    I have my eye on it. Not going to hold my breath though devs seem to be perfectly happy reskinning and rehashing their games over and over again these days. With lowest common denominator being the motto of the publishers and for a large percentage of so called gamers as well since they seem to be perfectly happy playing the same call of duty and madden football every year, I don't really expect to be any different with Wild Star either.
  14. Vangelis

    Vangelis Veteran Crowfall Member

  15. Rumor

    Rumor Veteran Star Citizen Member

    Yes, totally agree Vang. I am getting more and more excited for this game. About to turn rabid fanboi. Their marketing is fantastic!
  16. Deadend

    Deadend Veteran Crowfall Member

    Bit more interested after the info dump on the paths earlier this week.
  17. Ani

    Ani Veteran Staff Member Communications Director

    Seems like a really fun game actually.

    havent seen many "fun" MMOs out there that are actually worth playing.
  18. on the fb page